Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Today's Beau

Justin King - Beau Of The Fifth Column

Maybe it means Biden understands the art of the deal better than other people.

Ayman al-Zawahiri was a bad guy - no redeeming qualities at all. That doesn't mean we should suspend the prohibition on celebrating the destruction of a fellow human being - but it doesn't mean we can't keep a private smile in our hearts today either.

Starting at about 10:30, this is a quick look at how Al-Zawarihi got his start in Egypt, taking his cue from a guy named Sayyd Qutb.

BYW - Jahiliyya. A state of barbarous ignorance - a kind of False Consciousness. And in the politics of behavior manipulation, the idea that if some people don't believe in the same gods &/or the same philosophy that you believe in, then they must be addle-brained - in need of a Red Pill.

And then it gets really weird because the wingnuts are convinced you and I are delusional because of our understanding (and acceptance) of reality, while they're convinced their delusion is "the true reality" and that we need to be broken in order to force us into compliance with their delusion.

Welcome to Wonderland, Alice.

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