Jun 3, 2024

On The Roiling Of America

It would give me a warm fuzzy prideful feeling deep down in my heart to watch Fauci look straight into the camera and say, "Here I am, assholes - come and get me."

Obviously, this could rile up those assholes and trigger a whole new spate of threatening or violent actions.

But I'm enough of a cautious optimist to believe there are far more good people in this country than there are the kind of assholes who go around dropping death threats on valued, respected leaders.

So I think lots of those good people would be willing to stand up and defend a guy like Dr Fauci, and beat back the MAGA assholes who just can't manage not to act like they never outgrew their tendencies to behave like the raging morons they were in middle school.

God how I hate those fuckin' guys.

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