Jun 3, 2024

Throw It All Away

Trump: Either you support me 100% on all things at all times, or I'll burn the whole place to the ground.

MAGA says they're working 24/7 to make sure the elections are fair, and secure, and with no shenanigans. But they go on making all this noise about how rigged it is because they continue to lose practically every time, in spite of all their herculean efforts. And remember, they say they're the best at everything so they can't possibly lose unless it's rigged, but they're busting all the rigging ... and rinse and repeat.

So either they suck at the whole security thing, or there's no fraud at any meaningful level to begin with - which of course is what everybody's been saying all along - or their whole schtick is nothing more than Ginned-Up Rage-Fueled Crowd Funding of a "movement" that has no policy, and no political agenda beyond "Make Me The King Or You'll Be Sorry".

Fuck them guys.

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