Jun 26, 2024


Hey, MAGA - here're a few prayer points that might help you handle your shit.

Dear Lord - help me become the kind of man that a woman would prefer to meet while hiking in the woods instead of a bear.

And Lord - we beseech thee - touch us with the grace we need to see that BLM might have some legitimate points after watching white America fuck over everybody that some jagoff has 'em convinced that "those people" ain't worthy.

Lord God, King of Heaven - grant is the divine insight to realize that rationalizing our propensity for violence is just bullshit planted in our mushy little brains by DumFux News, and sure as fuck has nuthin' to do with your boy Jesus.

We pray these things in the holy names of Jesus, and the Hairy Thunderer, and the Cosmic Muffin, amen.

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