Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label Omeleto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Omeleto. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Today's Reminder

I got into it a little bit with a friend on Facebook - a pleasant enough woman I went to high school with.

She posted that meme of Morgan Freeman saying he doesn't want a Black History Month, and that the way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it:

So I countered with the meme about weaponizing a famous black guy's words: 

She got a little snippy, saying she just can't believe how quick people can be to lash out, and I countered that with my usual rapier-like wit, born of superior intellect - something like, "Nuh-huh, you greasy twat".

But here's the thing about Freeman's contention on "just stop talking about racism":

You don't stop child abuse by not talking about it.
You don't cure cancer by not talking about it.
You don't disrupt the cycle of ignorance and poverty and crime by not talking about it.
You don't stop gun violence by not talking about it.

Sorry not sorry, Famous Black Guy, but problems don't magically disappear just by ignoring them.

And apropos of nothing really, I just discovered Omeleto on YouTube, and this one seems to fit - more or less: