But pampered dickheads like Bill Maher need to pimp the concept so he can go on pretending he's edgy and independent - and that he's earned the right to shit on Democrats because his "leftie" pronouncements in the 90s meant that he could afford to send Obama a check for a million dollars 12 years ago.
The guy would have to improve his poseur game by orders of magnitude to rise to the level of 3rd rate fuckin' dilettante.
So the Secret Service team took a couple of shots at this latest would-be assassin - does anybody know if he shot back - and can he make a case for self defense?
Sorry. Not supposed to make light of it. I know.
But hey, while I'm at it - MAGA bots keep griping about "violent rhetoric coming from the left" simply because we've correctly identified that prick and his mob as fascist pricks who want to end American democracy.
And OK, I can see how they'd want to turn it around and try to put it back on their opposition. Because of course - it's what they do.
There's a problem with that though - the shooters (so far, and as far as we know) have been Trump supporters.
When your own guys come gunnin' for you, it's prob'ly time to take a serious look at what you're doing and how you're doing it - or maybe you just need to skedaddle all together.
Take it, Brando.
Y'all caught the Amazing Rhythm Aces reference too, right?
Go to work on Monday, and tell a person of color to go back where they came from
Find a co-worker with a disability and mock them for it
Walk in on women in the bathroom and take a long look around
Call a female colleague "horse face" or "dog" or "fat pig"
Go up to a woman in the office and grab her by the pussy
Do just 2 or 3 of those and let's see how long it takes for somebody to step up and drag your sorry ass into HR, and then watch a couple of security guards throw you out the door and into the parking lot.
Do it. If Trump speaks for you - if you think Trump is the man - then put your money where your stoopid fucking mouth is and do it.
But if you're not willing to do any of that, then you know it's not OK for an adult to behave that way, and you shouldn't be voting for some asshole who does behave that way.
The GOP is a small group of power brokers and rich people, eagerly supported by armies of envious wannabe millionaires who're sure they're just temporarily inconvenienced.
We're supposed to help ourselves - do for ourselves - fend for ourselves - but Republicans have been busy bitching about "moochers", while trying pretty hard to make it so we can't get together with like-minded neighbors to do things that help us.
And, of course, Republicans haven't been shy about helping themselves, amiright? (sorry)
And BTW, in a democracy, the people are the government - at least in this democracy - that's what it says right up front there in the Constitution.
So we're the government, and Republicans have spent years telling us we should hate the government, and not trust the government, and fuck the gubmint - seems like they don't really like us. Why should we keep them around?
Makes a lot more sense once you look at it from slightly metaphoric angle:
Signs of an Abusive Relationship While every abusive relationship will involve different methods of control, the underlying themes are the same. An abusive relationship will involve one party using their power over the other party to prevent them from doing anything except what the abusive person wants. Here are some of the signs to watch out for:
Communication Monitoring
People who are abusive may try to monitor your communication with other people. They may ask to read your texts and emails, log into your devices without permission, or even install tracking software to keep tabs on your social life. They will frequently use this against you later.
Abusive partners also commonly isolate the people they abuse. The abusive person may spread lies about you, or they may try to convince you that your family and friends don’t actually like you. Either way, the goal is to cut off your support systems that could otherwise help you leave the relationship.
Financial Control
In some abusive relationships, the abusive party will work to remove their partner’s control over their own finances. This is intended to make it harder for the abused person to leave the relationship. The abusive person may cut off your access to your accounts, hide information about your financial situation, or try to make you quit your job.
Another common tactic of abuse is to force you to do things you don’t want to do, whether through begging, threats, force, or emotional manipulation. This can include sexual activities, but it can also include any other behavior you do not want to do. Abusive people may also use coercion to keep you in the relationship if you try to leave.
Emotional Manipulation
One of the most common types of abuse is emotional abuse. This can include:
Insulting you
Humiliating you in front of others
Making you feel like you’re “crazy”
Calling you names
Making you feel guilty for normal activities
Healthy relationships involve both partners building each other up. Abusive relationships involve one party tearing the other down.
Physical Violence
Finally, physical violence is the most well-known sign of an abusive relationship. If your partner ever hits you or hurts you in any way, your relationship is likely abusive.
To a guy like Trump, the whole world has to be divided into two factions - everybody is either friend or foe. There's no middle ground, and there's no crossover except when he decides to change somebody's designation.
His friends are expected to pay him fealty at all times, and do whatever he requires of them, even though they know he'll never reciprocate in kind if it's inconvenient for him.
His foes (ie: everybody who won't bend to his whim) are de-humanized, and deserve every shitty thing the worst of his "friends" can think of doing to them.
It's a total Manichean proposition. Everything is either all and only one way, or all and only the other way.
I know, I know - you know all this. But it bears repeating, and must be repeated until a much bigger majority of Americans understand what we're up against.
I'm also willing to accept the possibility that I'm overstating the problems I see with Creeping Authoritarianism and the alarm that I feel at a very basic, visceral level.
It's not about left vs right. It's not about Democrats vs Republicans. And in the end, it's not even about right vs wrong.
In American democracy - the way democracy is supposed to work - the way Madison set it up - it's just about not being such a fucking asshole about everything.
Because it's the Culture War that matters. Stolen victimhood and synthesized outrage are the stock in trade at DumFux News. So they go out of their way in search of something to bitch about. That's what sells the dick pills and panty liners.
And speaking of rebranding, "woke" is nothing more than "political correctness' by another name.
BTW, for the veterans out there: "Woke" = "Situational Awareness". Don't get stoopid.
Brando's pointing out another glaring example of the Daddy State practice of lying about everything all the time, with a slight twist.
Republican voters bitch about "phony politicians" and "fake this & fake that", and so the GOP says, "Let's go ahead and just lean into it. The rubes expect phony, so let's give 'em phony."
And don't think there's no method to this madness. It doesn't make sense because it's supposed to not make sense.
"... they know what's gonna bring everybody to the wrestling matches ..." Brando has touched on that a few times before, and it's worth repeating:
Trump is a shiny veneer over nothing
He's all sizzle and no steak
Style over substance.
He established that on his first day in 2017 during a phone call with Mexico's president Nieto. Basically: "We don't really have to do anything - you talk shit about me and I talk shit about you, and the rubes will focus on that while we pick their pockets." He repeats that scam every chance he gets, and like Brando's said, he knows the Press Poodles will be happy to help him out by reporting on exactly the wrong thing.
There's a lot more than that in this excellent piece. Brando brings it.