Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts

May 7, 2018

Eternal Sadness In The Making

  • 100,000 gun casualties every year in USAmerica Inc.
  • 5,790 kids are shot every year - 1,300 dead kids. 
The young woman is Kendall Jones - who found infamy by killing African wildlife, and pimping the case for "Hunting is all about conservation". Some people wear their ugly on the inside.

Oct 6, 2014

Hunting Season

The hacking cough and the stinging eyes of an allergic reaction to leaf mold; the clogged and overflowing rain gutters due to 3 days of drizzle; the joy of being awakened just before dawn by the dulcet tones of gunfire in the woods behind my house.  Ah yes - these are but a few of the glories of Autumn in central Virginia.

Let's be careful out there.