Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Today's Tweet

A poem


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Today's Tweet

Gotta love a good Twitter Poem


Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Limmerick

He wanted to make it "big league" 
But can't escape Russian intrigue 
A scandal a day? 
Even Putin would say 
He's suffering bad Trump fatigue

George Takei‏

Monday, May 15, 2017

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Poetry Sunday

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Today's Today

Happy Bad Poetry Day, everybody!

TOAST --Joseph V. Viray, ©1995
this is your mind.
this is your mind on TOAST.
this is your TOAST.
This is your TOAST on my mind.

THE SONG ABOUT THE SONG --Bryan Higgins, ©2000
This is the song about the show!
And it's a show with a song about
The Songs we're gonna sing
We'll sing you the songs about
The song about the show!
Songs about the singing we'll do!
Songs about the songs about
The song about the show!
Songs that we'll be singing to you!
You'll hear us singing songs about
The songs about the songs,
The songs about the songs about the songs--
Songs about the songs about
The songs about the songs,
The songs about the songs about the show!

So, that's a good 40 seconds of your life you will never ever get back.*

*your wastage may vary - depending on your reading speed, where you fall on the OCD spectrum, how long it took you to figure how to make this shit big enough to see it clearly, etc. And now you've wasted even more of your valuable time.
You're welcome.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

A Poem

Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses
And all the king's men
Were just glad they didn't have to worry about that bigoted little prick anymore.

hat tip = unattributed from my Twitter feed

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Today's Podcast

The Professional Left

Main point: a theme is emerging - has emerged - that Trump isn't really a Republican. He's zomby-fied enough GOP rubes to get this far, but "we" hafta stop him before he destroys "our" beloved Republican Party.

'Scuse me?  Donald Trump has gathered more Republican Votes in the primaries than any other Republican candidate ever.  Donald Trump is going to the convention with more than enough committed delegates - he has 305 more than he needs.  He could wipe his ass with those 305 people, and Cruz plus Kasich would still be 200 delegates short.

Donald Trump is the GOP now, because all those GOP voters voted for him - see how that works?  He owns what the "Repub Establishment" has been building for the last 30 fucking years.

And also too - driftglass and Blue Gal have been saying exactly that for a long long time.

BTW - Trump read The Snake at a rally back in January, and it's been rattling around in my head ever since, and this is what eventually came tumbling out: When a politician (or a silver-tongued devil of a salesman) spins a yarn obviously intending to warn you, there's a fair probability he's making a subconscious effort to tell you something about himself.  And keep in mind, a guy like Trump is always thinking and talking about himself.


Friday, May 13, 2016

A Poem

The Oxymoronic English Contradictionary --Brian Bilston

Alone together for once,
I told her how I thought that, in my unbiased opinion

The incidence of oxymorons in the English language
Had been growing smaller.

"That's old news", she said
Adding that it had been the case for almost exactly ten years.

Things got pretty ugly,
But this in itself felt strangely normal,

For ours was a bittersweet relationship;
A civil war of violent arguments

I found myself annoyingly endeared to her
While she regarded my puritanical streak as seriously funny.

Our contradictions
Compliment each other perfectly

"Same difference",
I whispered loudly.

But she, with a sad smile,
After telling me how I'd left her speechless,

Went back to reading
Her textbook on business ethics.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Today's Quote

If you wish to be a warrior, prepare to be broken.
If you wish to be an explorer, prepare to be lost.
And if you wish to be a lover, prepare to be both.
--Daniel Saint

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Today's Poem

Medicine Woman --Cheryl Savageau

medicine woman they call me
as if I should like it
like the kids in school
who called me little white dove
from some stupid song
about one more Indian woman
jumping to her death
how come you have an animal name?
they asked me, how come?
and I went home to ask my father
how come, Dad, how come
I have an animal name?

now white women come into my shop
and ask me to bless their houses
(what's wrong with them, I want to ask)
name their grandchildren
(do I know your daughters?)
blow some smoke around
say some words, do
whatever it is you do
we want someone spiritual -
you're Indian, right?

right. my tongue is held
by their grey hair
they are grandmothers
deserving of respect
and so I speak
as gently as I can
you'd let me, a stranger
come into your home, I ask
let me touch
your new grandchild
let me name
the baby
that comes into my head?
I am not believing this
but they are smiling
and tell me again
we want someone spiritual
to do it

I write to my father
how come you never
told me who we are, where
we came from?

Women keep coming into my shop
putting stones in my hands
Can you feel that? they ask
Of course I can feel it
I'm not dead, but that
is not the right answer

My father writes back
the garden is doing good
the corn is up
there's lots of butterflies
all I know is
we come from the stars

Sunday, February 07, 2016


On Friday's podcast, Blue Gal did a Bible Bitch segment - generally too rare an occurrence IMO.  I'm pretty god-hostile, but she always gives me something interesting and useful.  Anyway, it centered around this Depression-era Methodist hymn:

O Young And Fearless Prophet --S Ralph Harlow, 1931

O young and fearless Prophet of ancient Galilee,

Thy life is still a summons to serve humanity;
To make our thoughts and actions less prone to please the crowd,
To stand with humble courage for truth with hearts uncowed.

We marvel at the purpose that held Thee to Thy course
While ever on the hilltop before Thee loomed the cross;
Thy steadfast face set forward where love and duty shone,
While we betray so quickly and leave Thee there alone.

O help us stand unswerving against war’s bloody way,
Where hate and lust and falsehood hold back Christ’s holy sway;
Forbid false love of country that blinds us to His call,
Who lifts above the nations the unity of all.

Stir up in us a protest against our greed for wealth,
While others starve and hunger and plead for work and health;
Where homes with little children cry out for lack of bread,
Who live their years sore burdened beneath a gloomy dread.

Create in us the splendor that dawns when hearts are kind,
That knows not race nor station as boundaries of the mind;
That learns to value beauty, in heart, or brain, or soul,
And longs to bind God’s children into one perfect whole.

O young and fearless Prophet, we need Thy presence here,
Amid our pride and glory to see Thy face appear;
Once more to hear Thy challenge above our noisy day,
Again to lead us forward along God’s holy way.

And here's the podcast:

Friday, October 30, 2015

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Today's Tune

I Blow It Off --Punch Brothers

The sun hits the back of my neck
Through a crack in the window shade
I blow it off
I blow it off

‘cause I keep outside
In the eyes and ears
Of friends I’ve never met
I blow it off
I blow it off

There’s nothin’ to say
That couldn’t just as well be sent
I’ve got an American share
Of 21st century stress

Your trouble vibrates the table
Interrupts my reverie
I blow it off
I blow it off

‘cause if it’s that bad
It ain’t gettin’ better
Face to face with me
So I blow it off
I blow it off

There’s nothin’ to say
That couldn’t just as well be sent
I’ve got an American share
Of 21st century stress

Go ahead and bloody up your knuckles
Knockin’ at my door
I’ll blow ‘em off
I’ll blow em off

‘Cause there’s nothin’ to say
That couldn’t just as well be sent
We’ve all got an American share
Of 21st century stress

See the oceans rise and leave the nations
Cryin’ at heaven’s door
I blew it off
I blew it off