Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label racial politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racial politics. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Obama Meets The GOP Women's Caucus

Always looking to connect a few dots - even when they seem pretty far apart.

At about 30:00, talking about The Unibomber and Eric Rudolph - "As a side note, I have no idea what it is with white folks and the woods - but whatever it is probably explains why black folks don't do a lot of camping."

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Let Herman Be Herman

The allegations of sexual misconduct against Herman Cain will win him the nomination.

And here's the frame-up:  "It's just another instance of racist America's eagerness to condemn a black man for daring to approach a white woman.  The Democrats have a shameful history of this, you know.  All that Jim Crow stuff was because the Democrats were in charge of things in The South for way too long." (that's in quotes because it's what I expect to hear - not what anybody has actually said)

It doesn't matter what Limbaugh and all the others said about how Clinton's philandering exposed a character flaw that made him unfit to serve - this is the age of Confirmation Bias after all.  We can cherry pick the coverage and the analysis, and just choose what we wanna believe.

It just seems so fucking weirdly typical.  The leading lights for the Repubs and 'conservatives'  do, in fact, display a veiled racism on a pretty consistent basis.  Welfare Queens; Barack The Magic Negro; Food Stamp President; etc.  But now they've decided to play some kind of intra-race game.  They look at Obama, and they see a guy who's done almost exactly what they always say everybody should do.  He came from humble beginnings; he dreamed big; he worked hard; and he made it all the way to the White House.  He's devoted to his wife and kids; he loves his job; and he wants to serve his country.  What have the Repubs been telling us they want in a president that's any different from ANY of that?

Well - here it is: Plenty of people in general (and Repubs in particular) believe the crap about a big chunk of the 'black community' being anti-smart.  They're expecting a lot of black people to look at Obama and think, "he needs to back off a little - he's acting too white".  Cain fits their frame because he's their anti-intellectual black guy, which makes him the perfect anti-Obama.

Like Ann-The-Man Coulter said: "Our blacks are just so much better than their blacks".

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Let Fly

The prize for Scary-Freaky Zealotry today goes to the commenters at the DumFux News website.

A few samples from the comments section on the post regarding the "poetry event" at the White House, featuring a rapper called Common (via: Little Green Footballs).

nativeson1 6 minutes ago in reply to nickthecat
elsargento 6 minutes ago in reply to idahojon
paintaz Just now
Another classless move, from a classless president………….they will be bustin out some fortys !
contributorj Just now
i wonder if moochelle will sneak off and perform a common bj…..
kingtiger44 Just now
All in attendence will recieve a white lawn jockey statue, and a coupon for KFC.
kingtiger44 18 minutes ago
Animal Control responded after a report of loose porch monkey’s.