#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C 4YRS126DAYS09:54:28 LIFELINELand protected by indigenous people43,500,000km²Peruvian farmer takes Germany's RWE to court in landmark climate case | German emissions fell 3.4% in 2024, on track for 2030 climate goals | London’s pollution drops after expansion of clean air toll | China unveils plan to boost green equipment manufacturing | Ireland donates $16 million to Brazil's Amazon Fund | Britain to invest £1.8bn on home energy saving upgrades | Scientists identify more than 800 new species in global Ocean Census | A bird last seen by Darwin 190 years ago reappears on a Galapagos island | Report says solar & storage accounted for 84% of new US power added in 2024 | Mexican women defied drug-dealers, fly-tippers & chauvinists to protect the environment | Peruvian farmer takes Germany's RWE to court in landmark climate case | German emissions fell 3.4% in 2024, on track for 2030 climate goals | London’s pollution drops after expansion of clean air toll | China unveils plan to boost green equipment manufacturing | Ireland donates $16 million to Brazil's Amazon Fund | Britain to invest £1.8bn on home energy saving upgrades | Scientists identify more than 800 new species in global Ocean Census | A bird last seen by Darwin 190 years ago reappears on a Galapagos island | Report says solar & storage accounted for 84% of new US power added in 2024 | Mexican women defied drug-dealers, fly-tippers & chauvinists to protect the environment |
Showing posts with label race hatred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race hatred. Show all posts

Jul 7, 2018

Today's Eternal Sadness

Raw Story:

A white man in Austin has been charged with first-degree murder after shooting and killing a black teen over a fireworks dispute early on Independence Day.
The Austin-American Statesmen reported Friday that 41-year-old Jason Roche claimed he shot 19-year-old Devonte Ortiz in self-defense after the young man allegedly reached for his gun. According to police, video evidence taken at the scene of the crime proved otherwise.
Roche told police in his sworn affidavit that he shot Ortiz after coming outside for a second time early on the morning of July 4 to ask him and his friends to stop shooting fireworks. In his testimony, the older man claimed he saw the teen reach for a gun that he’d taken out of his car. The Statesmen‘s report noted that although police did find a rifle and a handgun at the scene, cell phone video shows that Ortiz was not holding a gun when Roche shot him.

Jason Roche is observed displaying a firearm at Ortiz, re-holstering the firearm then displaying the firearm multiple times,” the affidavit, as quoted by Austin’s KXAN, stated. “During this point of the video footage, Ortiz was not holding a firearm.”

The affidavit also noted that the older man was seen in cell phone video following Ortiz around a car, and that “police believe Ortiz was moving away from the firearm and not lunging toward it like Roche had told detectives.”

So tell me again how you just don't get "Black Lives Matter" - or that you can't understand why so many (eg) NFL players are willing to risk financial penalties and outright career assassination by kneeling during a national anthem that celebrates a history that's partly about the murder of people with brown skin?

Jun 23, 2015

Today's Rude

The Rude Pundit brings it:


In Brief: A Glimpse of South Carolina in the Wake of the Call for the Confederate Flag to Be Shit-Canned

Here's what the Rude Pundit imagines happened in South Carolina right when word leaked out that Gov. Nikki Haley would call for the removal of the Confederate flag from its padlocked place on a pole on the grounds of the capitol:

94.9% of the white people in the state breathed a sigh of relief. Even if they had never expressed it before, they hated that the flag was still there, mocking any attempts for the state to seem like it was progressing past its horrific racist past and its position as the birth canal of the Civil War. This doesn't mean that a good many of them won't tell others they think it's a tragedy and what about their pride in their ancestors who fought for states' rights and bullshit lie upon bullshit delusion. 'Cause, you know, they still have to fit in with their loudest friends.

5% of the white people in the state got enraged, thinking that Haley was giving in to the bleeding heart liberals that didn't understand that the flag stood for pride in their ancestors who fought for states' rights and bullshit lie upon bullshit delusion.

In fact, Haley addressed them directly, saying, "Those South Carolinians view the flag as a symbol of respect, integrity, and duty. They also see it as a memorial, a way to honor ancestors who came to the service of their state during time of conflict. That is not hate. Nor is it racism." And that'd be awesome, except for the fact that it is racist and it is hate and their ancestors fought and many died for a racist, hateful cause. It's fucking perverse, like a gang honoring a fallen member for all the cops he killed. Believe it or not, sometimes your dead relatives are pieces of shit who only deserve contempt.

A tenth of a percent of white people are angry at the niggers and nigger-lovers for desecrating their symbol and want to start a race war. But, you know, that's pretty much what those fucknuts were thinking before today.

Most of the black people of the state are more than likely thinking, "That's a nice step. Now how about not shooting up or burning our churches?"

Jun 22, 2015

Today's Podcast

...is actually from last Thursday: 

And I have to paraphrase George Carlin: "Think about how stoopid the average DumFux News viewer must be - now consider the fact that 50% of 'em are even stoopider than that.

And also too - the rebuttal for the standard bullshit argument, "...a good guy with a gun..." gets pretty simple: What if the good guy with a gun is the first one to be shot and killed?

And then of course, everybody should have a gun because "an armed society is a polite society".  Yeah - everybody knows what a Paradise of Courtesy they've got going in places like Somalia and Syria and Yemen and Nigeria and Sudan.  Pick any truly fucked up joint anywhere in the world and tell me the ubiquity of guns isn't at least a top 3 factor contributing to the fucked-up-ed-ness.

Oct 17, 2012

Here In Post-Racial America

And while you're at it, tell me all about how the Democrats do exactly the same thing.  Point me to the websites that mock Romney for anything he can't do anything about.  Show me.


Sep 27, 2012

God Love Daily Caller

A facebook friend posted a bit from The Daily Caller about the evil Obama spending way too much of our tax money on "official travel" blah blah blah.

And guess what popped up in the comments?

It was up for a good 15 minutes before somebody probably flagged it and it got taken down; and I don't presume to know that it wasn't conveniently "planted" by some dirty rotten Democrat just to make the noble TeaBaggers look bad.  And I suppose the 14 'Likes' could've been the result of an email tree (or whatever) so a bunch of other dirty rotten Dems could rush over and hit the 'Like' button to make it seem like there's a lot of racist assholes posting comments at The Daily Caller.  Yeah, OK.  But y'know, sometimes it is what it looks like.

Apr 12, 2012

Apr 11, 2012

I Am Not Trayvon Martin

From Ebony:
Can you imagine the outcry if seven White youths had been gunned down by police and security guards in a matter of months? Can you imagine the extensive political interest, the media stories that would saturate the airwaves? Can you imagine Fox News or any number of newspapers reporting about a school suspension for one of the victims or doctoring pictures in an attempt to make these victims less sympathetic? Can you imagine a person holding up a sign calling these victims “thugs” and “hoodlums.”Just think about the media frenzy, the concern from politicians, and the national horror every time a school shooting happens in Suburbia or every time a White woman goes missing...can you imagine if women routinely went missing from your community and the news and police department simply couldn't be bothered?

No, you can't. And you don't have to.

And I just kinda hate thinking that somebody who's probably young enough to be my granddaughter has a better handle on this than I do.

(hat tip = Democratic Underground)

May 12, 2011

Let Fly

The prize for Scary-Freaky Zealotry today goes to the commenters at the DumFux News website.

A few samples from the comments section on the post regarding the "poetry event" at the White House, featuring a rapper called Common (via: Little Green Footballs).

nativeson1 6 minutes ago in reply to nickthecat
elsargento 6 minutes ago in reply to idahojon
paintaz Just now
Another classless move, from a classless president………….they will be bustin out some fortys !
contributorj Just now
i wonder if moochelle will sneak off and perform a common bj…..
kingtiger44 Just now
All in attendence will recieve a white lawn jockey statue, and a coupon for KFC.
kingtiger44 18 minutes ago
Animal Control responded after a report of loose porch monkey’s.