Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Today's Beau

Justin King - Beau Of The Fifth Column

" of the critical flaws in our representative democracy."

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Today's Beau

Justin King - Beau Of The Fifth Column

We can stop exalting flawed human actors, and still praise their heroic actions.
Which would go along way to short-circuiting the rise of the next personality cult.

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Deliberately Un-Woke

(sorry I fucked this up earlier - I think I've got it fixed.)

A woman from Portland - Lindsay Clarke (she may be porn star Staci Succubus) - with a video I was having a hard time not thinking was a Poe: 

Time for a refresher.

And another:

And, "the invisible package of unearned benefits":

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Say Their Names

              WALTER SCOTT


            EZELL FORD
           BOTHAM JEAN
              ERIC GARNER

Monday, June 15, 2020

Today's Beau

Saying there's no racism because the statistics indicate that black people are just more prone to commit crime is possibly the most racist shit you could say right now.

Justin King - Beau Of The Fifth Column

Starving The Beast

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Today's Lesson

A million years ago when I was in school, we weren't taught any of this. There was a vague (in retrospect, maybe deliberately nonspecific) sense of "black people used to be treated pretty bad way back in the day, but that amazing Mr Lincoln fixed it and blah blah blah."

Nobody ever told us about Columbia or Rosewood or Tulsa, or any of the others. And there was a lot of 'em.

I'm a little pissed off about that - I can imagine people with brown skin have to be thoroughly fed up with that shit.

I think I'm in love with Carol Anderson though.

She makes the case that the standard trope about how "Hillary was just a really bad candidate" is and always was a bullshit cover for voter suppression (and other fuckery as well, but yeah).

And what could more "conservative" than to blame the victim?

"I dunno if he raped her, but look at how she was much she she was dancing...where she was walking after she stupid?" etc etc etc

Anyway - we've got some big fuckin' problems up in this joint and while we don't solve those problems just by voting, we sure as fuck don't solve one goddamned thing without voting - not in a democracy we don't.

Meanwhile - maybe you'd like to look into some of this. And notice the recurring themes, as noted by Prof Anderson:

Civil War Period: 1861–1865[edit]

Reconstruction Period: 1865–1877[edit]

Jim Crow Period: 1878–1914[edit]

War and inter-war period: 1914–1945[edit]

Postwar era: 1946–1954[edit]

Civil Rights and Black Power Movement's Period: 1955–1977[edit]

1978 to today[edit]

Monday, June 08, 2020


You're willing to turn your back on friends because of their politics?

I'm willing to turn my back on them because of the morality of their politics - huge difference.

We can disagree on lots of issues and still be friends - racism isn't one of them.

- abuse of power isn't one of them.

- corruption isn't one of them.

Sunday, June 07, 2020


James Corden, with Olivia Harewood


Here's a blast from the past. 

Jay Smooth, explaining the conversation we wanna have - the conversation we have to have.

Monday, June 01, 2020

Today's Tweet

hat tip = my boy Lukey - proud of you, son.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Death In Minneapolis

Those 4 cops got fired with uncommon alacrity.

Maybe it's because the mayor is in knee-jerk mode ...

... and maybe it's because he knows there's a lot more to the story that's yet to come out.

Over to you, Justin King:

We can hope we're seeing one of those "Jesus-Fuck-Enough-Of-This-Racist-Cop-Shit-Already" moments.

Monday, February 24, 2020


John Oliver - on the confederacy and the shit people try to pull when they need to cover their asses.

Saturday, February 01, 2020

Today's Prank

There are truly heroes among us.


YouTuber Josh Pieters has revealed that he pranked far-right British commentator Katie Hopkins by flying her to Prague and presenting her with a fake award. Hopkins, who is frequently retweeted by President Trump and was recently suspended on Twitter, was awarded with the Campaign to Unify the Nation Trophy, abbreviated as C.U.N.T. And if you think that’s mean, just wait until you hear her hate-filled acceptance speech for the award.

The 26-year-old Pieters explained the prank in a new video on his YouTubechannel, which has over 1.2 million subscribers. And it was a surprisingly large undertaking to convince Hopkins that she was getting a real award. Pieters organized flights, hotels, a dinner at the Four Seasons, and even hired actors to play members of his fake advocacy group, the Cape Town Collective For the Freedom of Speech.

Pieters, who’s originally from South Africa but lives in the UK, set up a fake website to make his organization appear more authentic, though there are some clear hints it might be fake. The photo of the founder that appears on his website is the current leader of the Ku Klux Klan, as just one example.

The video:

I'm guessing Katie Hopkins doesn't really care that she got punked. She cares that she got the exposure.

Because some people are so desperate for attention, they'll act out - to the extreme if necessary - just to get people to notice them.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

In The Age Of Poe

Kinda in reverse, maybe? Reality can get so perverse that sometimes when something real happens, it sounds like it came straight outa The Onion's evil twin.

Detroit Free Press:

Sauntore Thomas is reeling from a one-two punch.

First, the Detroiter sued his employer alleging racial discrimination in a lawsuit that settled confidentially. Then he went to the bank this week to cash his settlement check, but the Livonia bank refused to cash or deposit his check. Instead, they called the cops and initiated a fraud investigation — actions that dumbfounded Thomas and his lawyer, triggering another lawsuit.

On Wednesday, Thomas sued TCF Bank for alleged race discrimination, saying the Livonia branch
mistreated and humiliated him by calling four police officers when all he was trying to do was deposit legitimate checks. According to police, the bank's computer system read the checks as fraudulent.

TCF Bank spokesman Tom Wennerberg said Thursday that TCF abhors racism and it was not a factor in how the bank handled Thomas' requests. He said the checks Thomas presented displayed a watermark that read VOID when they were scanned in a web viewer.

Thomas isn't buying it, noting the check cleared 12 hours later. He's upset that two officers questioned him inside the bank, while two others stood guard outside, he said, adding he was an account holder for nearly two years at that TCF branch.

It's not quite completely cut-n-dried - the folks at TCF kinda have a point, partly because of mere circumstance - Sauntore had a whopping 52¢ in his account at the time. And partly because he "made some unusual requests".

ie: he asked to cash one of the checks ($13K- while depositing 2 others totaling $86K), and he asked for a new debit card.

Granted, some of this is a bit red-flaggy, but c'mon, all you have to do is make a coupla phone calls. But that doesn't even factor in when you're going to put a hold on the money til the checks clear anyway.

Normal protocols apply. You tell him you can't cash him out for thirteen large, but you tell him he can go to the bank that issued the check.

And that's the kicker. Not more than a few hours later, Sauntore took his checks to a Chase branch (which didn't issue the checks), and sailed the whole thing right on through.

And BTW - you're not the fuckin' cops. Turn in your little decoder ring and stop playing Junior Treasury Agent. 

Instead of a good customer, now you've got an expensive lawsuit on your hands.