In the picture below, there are 5 guys clearly visible.
Only one of them is not dressed (and not behaving) in a manner which might indicate that he's looking for trouble.
I'm not saying there's anything that justifies the riots. Sometimes, the reality of shitty circumstances plus the tears of impotent rage just kinda catch up with you and it all blows up in unpredictably unavoidable (and understandable) ways.
You may be at the protest to show a little solidarity with your community, and maybe to vent your spleen a little by yelling at the cops, but all it takes is for one jag-off to throw one bottle, and suddenly a really bad situation gets a whole lot worse.
Cuz here's the thing: Authoritarians will always provoke you into actions they can use to rationalize their intentions to lord their power over you. Once that bottle is thrown, they have the excuse they were looking for all along.
Only one of them is not dressed (and not behaving) in a manner which might indicate that he's looking for trouble.
I'm not saying there's anything that justifies the riots. Sometimes, the reality of shitty circumstances plus the tears of impotent rage just kinda catch up with you and it all blows up in unpredictably unavoidable (and understandable) ways.
You may be at the protest to show a little solidarity with your community, and maybe to vent your spleen a little by yelling at the cops, but all it takes is for one jag-off to throw one bottle, and suddenly a really bad situation gets a whole lot worse.
Cuz here's the thing: Authoritarians will always provoke you into actions they can use to rationalize their intentions to lord their power over you. Once that bottle is thrown, they have the excuse they were looking for all along.