Slouching Towards Oblivion

Oct 1, 2016

No Small Thing

It's not a ringing endorsement, but when the Rupert Street Journal Editorial Page puts up anything that isn't easily recognizable as slagging "The Libruls", it means something; it's important. 

Sep 30, 2016

Another Tweet

Today's Keith

It gets a little off into the weeds, but I'll take a Franz von Papen reference any day because it makes me go look it up and learn something new. 

Today's Tweet

Sep 29, 2016

Just Fucking Do It

A Trump Story

The anecdote is a powerful illustration for your narrative, although it can be a very misleading thing in direct debate (see Logical Fallacy - Anecdote).  But when the stories are common to the point of being legion, there's more than some probability that we've got a real problem.   And these stories are so common, even I know a guy who did some sub-contracting on The Taj Mahal, and got fucked over by Donald Trump.

Trump is the perfect example of a business ethic that says "I get to promise you whatever it takes to make the deal, but when it comes to paying the invoices that I contracted for, I intend to do only what my lawyers can't keep the law from forcing me to do at gunpoint."

When the guys at the top have their spats, and it gets expensive, and they need money to settle - guess who gets squeezed?

I worked with guys like Trump my whole career.  I watched two of the best companies ever get swamped by the shit that follows these malignant slugs like plague follows rats.

This Trump guy is weak and cheap - he has no soul and no honor.

It Starts With Entitlement

That was one very short hop away from Trump declaring himself a God-Annointed Sovereign.

Eugenics, anyone? 

Today's Keith

It really is Garbage In, Garbage Out.  If Repubs want a better GOP, they're gonna need a whole buncha better voters.

My Blogiversary

A Tweet

"When they go low, we go high."  And ya know - the Obama's are just better people than most.  Cuz me (and, I think, Luther) would most likely interpret that like this: "you go at my knees and I'm coming back for your fucking head". 

Which is kinda how it works out - the way FLOTUS does it anyway.  Glad I'm on her side.