Nov 6, 2014

We Lose

Tom Brokaw (aka: The Designated Dumbest Fuckin' Guy On TV At That Random Moment) went on MSNBC to tell us all how miraculously amicable Congress will suddenly become as the Repubs take control of the Senate and decide to reach across the aisle to give the Democrats something in order to achieve some measure of what the fuck is this idiot even talking about!?!

The Repubs have to govern now?
The Repubs will have to compromise?
The American public is angry and fed up with the dysfunction in Washington and so we're about to see some resurgence of The Era of Good Feelings?

Seriously - what the fuck?

We're looking at 2 more years of Do-Nothing-And-Blame-Obama-For-Everything.  Because it's not enough to have both houses of Congress and 5 Robes at SCOTUS.  Ya gotta get the White House too.  So if voters are mad enough to act a little crazy and elect more of the idiots who're doing the things that're making voters mad, then it certainly follows that if you do more of the Making-'Em-Mad stuff, then there's a good chance voters will be mad enough to deliver a Repub Prez in 2016 - especially now that you know how to fuck with the election process itself (Voter ID Suppression) to swing just enough precincts to make it come out in your favor while feeling pretty sure your guys at DumFux News and all the Press Poodles on TV will say it still looks like a fair fight.

Don't forget that this has never been a fight between Red and Blue, or Dems and Repubs, or Conservatives and Liberals.  It's always a fight between Radicals and Moderates.  That's what the whole Checks and Balances thing was all about.

Still, it's an amazing time to be alive.  I'm sure it had to be truly astounding to watch the beginnings of our little experiment in self-government - it's no less awe-inspiring to sit here and watch it die.

Nov 5, 2014

Buh Bye

We'll hear a lot about the Midterm Massacre of 2014 - about how the Dems just didn't get the message quite right, and about how the Repubs got their ground game going again, and how angry voters rose up and begged the GOP to beat them all a bit harder because apparently we need to get our minds right and beatin' us is exactly the kind of incentive we need.  Yassa boss.

But here's the difference as I see it:  Repubs got real busy making it harder for people to vote, while the Dems were busy doing absolutely nothing to make their voters willing to fight thru it to get their votes counted.

Obama has put together a pretty decent record in spite of constant Repub obstruction.  So maybe a message like, "Things got better.  Imagine how much more we could do if we didn't have to fight The Recession and the GOP and DumFux News and the Press Poodles..."  instead of, "Vote for me because I'm not quite the asshole that other guy is".

And if you tho't the Obama Hate was bad before?
If you tho't the fuck-off-and-die economic policies were bad?
If you tho't shit can't really get a lot worse?
You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

I'm kinda done beating my head against this wall.  Y'all're on yer own.  I got shit to do.

Nov 2, 2014

Fun With Numbers

So, let's try to remember one silly little thing when we hear all the frenzied screeching about ebola:  Exactly .0000003% of the entire population of USAmerica, Inc is currently infected with the ebola virus.

That's one guy out of 316,000,000 people - and that one guy's actually doin' pretty good right now.

Oct 26, 2014

Today's Poodling

Jason Chaffetz (R-is-for-rocks-in-head):

"Why not have the surgeon general head this up?" Chaffetz asked in a Wednesday appearance on Fox News. "I think that's a very legitimate question. At least you have somebody who has a medical background whose been confirmed by the United States Senate...It begs the question, what does the surgeon general do? Why aren't we empowering that person?"

The basic dig against Chaffetz of course is that his guys have blocked Obama's nominee for SG, so he sounds pretty stoopid - not that that's gonna matter to the rubes.  OK, maybe he was referring to the "Acting SG"?  No way of knowing because of course the DumFux News Poodle managed not to mention any of that.  Which kinda reinforces the basic point that DumFux News is not a news thing.  It's a GOP thing.

A New Meme

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

Unfortunately, even as monumentally stoopid as it sounds - and even tho' somebody's bound to say he put it up just to see if he could get a rise outa the Libtards -  ya gotta know there's a whole-number percentage of rubes out there who're gonna buy into it no matter what.

So OK - let's play:

We haven't had a catastrophic economic crash since Obamacare.
We haven't mistakenly invaded Iraq since Obamacare.
Terrorists haven't flown any hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center since Obamacare.
There's been no Zombie Apocalypse since Obamacare.
There are no Badger/Unicorn hybrids playing in the NBA since Obamacare.

We're not seriously thinking about putting a douche canoe like this guy in charge of anything are we?

Oct 25, 2014

A Star Died That You Should Live

"The universe is huge and old, and rare things happen all the time." --Lawrence Krauss