Dec 26, 2016

Equal Rights Now

hat tip = @rmurwin

Winning At A Very Steep Price

He says near the end of the interview that the best thing the Bushies did was to split and give him the room to get his thing going, so I don't see him doing it, but I'd dig the fuck outa Obama becoming the Troll In Chief, making life miserable for Trump.

Lost Another Good One

I was never a big fan - except for Kissing A Fool (that's one of the all-time great tunes) - but George Michael died yesterday and there just has to be a place on the short list for this one great album from way back in 1990.

PS) The Boomer Death Wave is underway now - we can expect 2 million of us to die every year for the next 10-20 years.

Fuck your bucket list - get out there and do shit.

On Swamps And Alligators

It's hard to miss Gingrich's deft use of the passive voice. He is a master at getting the listener to think he's just talking about stuff in very general non-threatening terms, and that he's far above any of the mundane power-grubbing shenanigans that go on down there in the swamp.

And that's what Trump needs him for - Newt's role is to teach the Trumpkinites all the Media Relations tricks they need to normalize the shit storm.

The point that really stands out for me: Gingrich saying Trump can use a very broad application of the Presidential Pardon in order to get around the fact that he plans on ordering people to do things that're obviously illegal.

Let that one percolate for just a bit.
The bearer has done what was done in the name of the king and for the good of the state. --Richelieu
I guess when Newton Leroy Gingrich read The Three Musketeers, he concluded that Cardinal Richelieu was the good guy(?)

We are so fucked.

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Carl Paladino's 2017 Wish List (partial)
1. Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.
2. Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.
So, I guess that's another shining example of Middle Class Economic Angst that Hillary failed so miserably to address(?)

Dec 25, 2016

Yeah But It's Christmas

Today is a very special day for me, but that doesn't mean I stop thinking.

When your theism is outwardly silent, my atheism will be as well. Merry Christmas.

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Pushing Back

On Christmas Day In The Mornin'

Cat Lord does not suffer fools. Maintain proper feline decorum or be punished.