Mar 27, 2017

Michael Franks

On a dreary dripping Monday

The Art Of Tea --Michael Franks

Fucked Up Bigly

Via Joy Reid on Twitter (@JoyAnnReid):

Not a whole lot of the Steele Dossier has been officially corroborated yet, but some pretty solid suspicions are being reinforced almost every day.

And some of the players still seem to be more or less unaware of just how enormous this thing could get.

Mr Jefferson Speaks

"The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper." 
--Thomas Jefferson to GK van Hogendorp, 1785

"I am persuaded myself that the good sense of the people will always be found to be the best army. They may be led astray for a moment, but will soon correct themselves. The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them."

--Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787

Mar 25, 2017

Today's Tweet

Mar 24, 2017

That Pesky Constitution

  Nikolas Bowie at Take Care

In its first fifty days, the Trump administration has done a magnificent job—the best job—teaching Americans about the Constitution. Who among us could distinguish an emolument from a peppermint before 2016? In that spirit, as we learn more about the employees President Trump has hired to run the executive branch, it’s worth asking whether his administration is violating another under-the-radar provision: The Appointments Clause.

The Appointments Clause is the one that requires the president to get the “Advice and Consent of the Senate” before he can hire certain “Officers of the United States.” It’s the reason we know what Betsy DeVos thinks about bears or that the Russian ambassador is easily forgettable. The eighteenth-century authors of the clause anticipated that no president could run the executive branch by himself, but they wanted a “check” to ensure that he didn’t appoint “unfit characters,” “family connection[s],” or “obsequious instruments of his pleasure.” They decided that Senate debates on the merits of nominees would provide much-needed accountability for the most important members of a president’s team.

- and -

Over the years, these “assistants to the president” have grown in number and in status to take on some of the most important advisory responsibilities in the White House. But even though these assistants now wield tremendous informal clout, they have always remained “employees” for constitutional purposes. And every president since Roosevelt has generally adhered to the Appointments Clause by restraining their employees from exceeding the constitutional limits on their statutory authority.

Until now.

When President Trump issued his first travel ban, for instance, employees Bannon and Miller interposed themselves between the president and the Department of Homeland Security by overruling its interpretation of whether the ban applied to green-card holders. That weekend, employee Miller reportedly called a Senate-confirmed U.S. Attorney to dictate how he should defend the ban in court. In addition, employee Miller also “effectively ran” a meeting of the National Security Council despite Congress’s requirement that the council “shall be composed” only of people “appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.”

More recently, employee McGhan has given “authoritative guidance” to Senate-confirmed officers in the Department of Homeland Security about how to interpret President Trump’s inscrutable executive orders. He’s also the employee responsible for directing Senate-confirmed officers in the Department of Justice to turn over any warrants regarding the president’s wild accusations that he was wiretapped.

Employee Preibus reportedly directed the Senate-confirmed FBI director to “knock down” stories that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia.

And the president has appointed at least one of his 400 “beachhead” employees, Stephen Vaughn, to serve in a Senate-confirmable position as acting U.S. Trade Representative, even though federal law expressly prohibits that sort of appointment.

Notice a pattern?

hat tip = Lawrence Tribe @tribelaw

Today's Quote

Golden Oldie

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind.
--George Orwell

Trump Redacted

President Trump recently participated in an interview with Time Magazine’s Michael Scherer for a cover story about his relationship with the truth. Predictably, this conversation really tested the limits of irony.
In the full transcript of the interview published by Time, Trump lies a lot, says a number of half-true things, does not admit he was incorrect to link Ted Cruz’s father with Lee Harvey Oswald, foists responsibility for his inaccuracies onto media reports that he misrepresents, says the word “Brexit” 11 times, and forms sentences like “Brussels, I said, Brussels is not Brussels.” But, listen, some of it was fine! In the transcript below, we have redacted everything that is not verifiably true. What remains is everything the president said that is definitely true.

Today's Tweet

Today's Pix

Mar 23, 2017

Tiny Desk

Tedeschi Trucks Band

"Just As Strange"
"Don't Know What It Is"

Samantha Bee


Is it possible Matt could be losing the battle he's constantly fighting against having a solid opinion on anything other than how fucked up it all is?

Well, no - he gets about half-way before sinking back into his comfort zone of "Yeah but the Democrats".

But still, it's a pretty good synopsis. (Rolling Stone)
The impact of the DeVos implosion was twofold. First, the Democrats realized they could and should fight back. Second, Republicans found the downside of party-line votes. Many received a torrent of abuse from constituents who demanded they vote DeVos out.
"I have heard from thousands, truly, thousands of Alaskans who have shared their concerns about Mrs. DeVos," said Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who dealt with protests outside her Alaska office and later estimated that 30,000 constituents called to complain.
Murkowski announced that she would pull her vote for DeVos, as did Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. A senator voting against his or her own party's nominee is the Beltway equivalent of an eclipse or a volcanic lightning strike – rare and frightening to the natives.
True to form, the Democrats – they have been a step behind Trump for a while now – never managed to peel off a third defector to defeat DeVos. But Republicans still suffered the indignity of needing Vice President Mike Pence to break the tie, another thing that had never before happened in the Senate's history.
Here's the O'Jays tune Taibbi mentioned in the piece - the one 45* used as his entrance march at CPAC. It seems a little odd. If you're touting the glories of having all the money and lusting for power, why do you pick that particular cut?  But then, it's not really odd at all considering 45* has done every shitty thing more or less out in the open, so it fits perfectly: Being a money-grubbing rent-seeking leech is how he got to be the hero they all love to adore - and aspire to be - with the bonus of doing things the Libtards hate, in ways that make the Libtards cry.

These things generally don't happen by accident.

For The Love Of Money --The O'Jays

Money money money money, money [Repeat: x 6]
Some people got to have itSome people really need itListen to me why'all, do things, do things, do bad things with itYou want to do things, do things, do things, good things with itTalk about cash money, moneyTalk about cash money- dollar bills, why'all
For the love of moneyPeople will steal from their motherFor the love of moneyPeople will rob their own brother
For the love of moneyPeople can't even walk the streetBecause they never know who in the world they're gonna beatFor that lean, mean, mean green
Almighty dollar, money
For the love of moneyPeople will lie, Lord, they will cheatFor the love of moneyPeople don't care who they hurt or beat
For the love of moneyA woman will sell her precious bodyFor a small piece of paper it carries a lot of weightCall it lean, mean, mean green
Almighty dollar
I know money is the root of all evilDo funny things to some peopleGive me a nickel, brother can you spare a dimeMoney can drive some people out of their minds
Got to have it, I really need itHow many things have I heard you saySome people really need itHow many things have I heard you say
Got to have it, I really need itHow many things have I heard you sayLay down, lay down, a woman will lay downFor the love of money
All for the love of moneyDon't let, don't let, don't let money rule youFor the love of moneyMoney can change people sometimes
Don't let, don't let, don't let money fool youMoney can fool people sometimesPeople! Don't let money, don't let money change you,It will keep on changing, changing up your mind.
Like I said, he's done all the shitty things right there in front of us, but 63 million voters decided it was all OK as long as they were able to engage with him in a years-long mutual ego massage, substituting dreams of hitting the lottery retroactively for the reality of guys like Donald Trump stripping them of any chance they ever had to make it any farther than are right now.


Tweet From Yesterday

Today's GIF

Speaking Of 45*

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

hat tip = David Ferguson, Raw Story