Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Big Storm III

Got power back at about 530 yesterday evening.  Of course, this was less than 10 hours after I scored one of the last 3 generators at Lowe's - they got a short shipment of a couple dozen in at 7, opened the store at 730 and were sold out by 10.  But I don't care.  I'm so fucking tired of this Post-Apocalypse bullshit I could spit bricks thru a car door.

The phones came back maybe 15 minutes ago, so I needed to grab some webtime and post some of this before the next storm starts in earnest.  The phone issue has been very annoying.  Losing the land line is bad enough, but the power outage also took out our local cell tower, so communications has been difficult as well.

It's already been flurrying a bit off and on all morning.  Forecasters are saying we'll get 4-8 more inches tonite.  Given the sorry state of the grid to begin with, and the simple fact that lots of trees are bent and damaged and ready to go, it shouldn't take much to put us back to where we were 3 days ago.

But at least I've got enough juice now to run the Reefer, 2 space heaters and various lights and appliances.  I also scored 2 more Jerry cans, so I can run for 30 hours if we're a little careful.

The main thing is figuring out how best to heat the joint.  If I didn't hafta run the space heaters, I could stretch the gas out to several days.  Nick and Luke have been scavenging from the woods, but trudging thru 2 feet of snow across the open ground before you get to the woods is a real chore. Plus, you gotta load up the little sled and drag it all back to the house.  Once back at the house, we can use the electric chainsaw, I've resisted buying the gas-powered version, thinking I'll convert a couple of the fireplaces to some other fuel once this is all over.

The other thing I'll be working on is figuring out a way to take the whole subdivision off the grid.  We have a gas main that runs pretty close, and we've been approached once before to see if enough of us wanted to convert from propane to natural.  The attempt failed, but it might be a really good time to ask again.  I'm thinking we could do a mid-sized fuel cell generator and stop worrying about the power going out every stinkin' time more than 11 snow flakes get together.  Distributed Power Generation is something that'll probably have to happen at some time anyway because the traditional grid system is aging badly and becoming ridiculously expensive to maintain.  It's stupid to go on pouring billions into a system that won't be able to keep up with us.

Schools have been closed 6 out of the last 7 days.

Challenges remain, but we're working the problems one at a time, hoping to turn a couple of them into opportunities.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

The Big Storm II

As of about 1:30 pm Saturday Feb 6:
It's been snowing since yesterday at about daybreak. 
Lost power at 6:30 last night.
Probably close to 20 inches on the ground so far, expecting another 3 or 4 through tonight at about 10.

I bought a second power inverter last week, so this time we can run the WiFi and one laptop, the phones and the TV and satellite receiver.

If the official total snowfall is over 18 inches, it sets the record for most snow in a season.

All for now.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Into The Lions' Den Again

I posted earlier about Obama going to the Repub Retreat and suggested at the time that if Obama beat up on people at The Prayer Breakfast, we might get an idea of how the administration intends to navigate the various minefields left over from the last 30 years of partisan warfare.

I've seen some of the video (if you go looking for it, don't forget to include Hillary's remarks - as often as I find her grating and unpleasant, I think she's doing a really good job for us at State).  Anyway, The Big O had some pretty sharp and direct criticism for the Goddies, but he said it in a nice way.  It didn't sound a lot different than any sermon you might hear in any given church on any given Sunday.

So I'm left to believe he got thru to at least some of 'em.  Or maybe he's doing a kind of surgery - like he sees an unhealthy element in these groups of people who are otherwise decent folk, and he's trying to talk to the 'moderates' in a way that says "I can help you regain power inside your own organizations if you'll help me push the nutballs back into the bleachers".

Watch the last 20 minutes of the first episode of The West Wing for a fair illustration of the idea.

Seat Belts

Because I just think it's a really good ad.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Curiouser About Mr O'Keefe

James O'Keefe is quite a piece of work.  Via the watchdogs at One People's Project, here's a new twist.

Reality Will Out

The wingers tho't they had the perfect gift in the way Obama approached the Undies Bomber.  Of course, ya gotta remember they count on us having short attention spans and even shorter memories.  Anyway, it was just amazing to hear them criticize Obama for how he handled it - especially the part about Mirandizing Abdulmutallab.

Take a look at this from The Washington Monthly.

Political hypocrisy knows no bounds when they're just trying to stay outa jail.

Call Their Bluff

Here's Sully's whole post today about politicians who're all style and no substance; and the Press Poodles who can't quite figure out what to do with all that airtime.

In my view, every single Republican who appears on cable or radio and who complains about the debt and rules out any tax hikes should be directly and specifically asked every single time what they propose to cut. Specifically. Every single time. Equally, every single Democrat who says they want to tackle the debt needs to be asked every single time which taxes they propose raising. Specifically. Every single time. If the journalist looks like an asshole, get over it. It is our job to look like assholes. We are professional assholes. We get paid to be rude. In order to expose the truth.

One reason this country is in a fiscal crisis is that journalists are not doing their job.

They chase ratings and politician "gets" more than they chase the truth. Why did it take the president to expose the Republicans' appalling fiscal record and lack of seriousness on spending rather than the press? Why are these politicians allowed to go on the air without being pressed relentlessly for their actual proposals.

And by relentlessly, I mean - if they fail to answer, or offer vague generalizations, ask again. And again. And again. And again. On air. Refuse to move on. Put them on the spot. Both parties. Every time.

Demand Question Time

Obama did a good and right thing by standing up and taking the heat.  I think if we could  get a lot more of this, then we might begin to see something that more closely resembles the government we ought to have.  It's worth a try anyway.

Democracy requires participation. Spend 30 seconds filling in just 3 fields and let's see what happens.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The KOS Poll

Here it is.

Sadly, The South shows up as looking pretty fuckin' stupid.

Ten Years Of Hell

From Allison Kilkenny at True/Slant:
She quotes extensively from a couple of sources that are definitely "left-leaning", but nonetheless make substantive points.

The people who committed the fraud that led to the collapse aren’t going to jail, the press is ignoring this fact, and that’s a bad thing.

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are severely weakening the economy.

The U.S. has the greatest income inequality, highest per capita prison population and worst health conditions of all high-income countries, and yet the poor remain politically invisible domestically, and abroad.

And while Obama plans a budget freeze, economists are saying a second stimulus and increased entitlements are badly needed, which requires government understanding that deficits — in the short run — are a good thing

Then she links to Dan Froomkin at Harvard's Nieman Watchdog (yeah, yeah it's Froomkin, but the guy still knows a few things, and we hafta relearn how to listen to guys who actually know things)

No. 1: The middle class may never be the same again
No. 2: The recovery could take a really long time
No. 3: The recovery could only be temporary
No. 4: Then what? This time, we don’t have the tools to get out of a recession
No. 5: The ‘very serious’ people in Washington are still obsessed about the deficit
No. 6: Whatever is making the stock market go up could go away
No. 7: The hugely irresponsible financial sector remains unchastened

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tricksterism And Thuggery

Ok, so I posted about Lil Jimmy O'Keefe and his newest escapade in NoLa; and I wondered at the time who would come forward and help him out. Well, soo-prize, soo-prize, soo-prize. He suddenly and magically appears on Cluster Fox claiming he was only trying to help Sen Landrieu's constituents get the good government they deserve; and that getting busted and then charged with a few FEDERAL FELONIES was just a big misunderstanding. Gosh.

So now, I'm thinking this has become a national story with national press exposure, and it'll be harder to seat a jury that isn't at least partly aware of the politics involved; and that makes it harder to prosecute the crimes. Gosh, you don't suppose that's what Cluster Fox had in mind, do ya?

Next question: who's paying this guy? What're his means of support?

Into The Lions' Den Again

So Obama goes to the Repub Retreat and knocks 'em around so bad that Cluster Fox has to cut away from their live coverage.

Now he's planning to go to the National Prayer Breakfast, and the lefties are semi-indignant and saying he's lending credence to a bunch of fratfucks like The Family. Roll tape:

I'm interested to see if Obama will call these guys out too. He runs the risk of being labeled preachy, but he gets that from a lot of wingers anyway, so that's a wash. But he could score some real points with 'moderates and independents' who haven't paid much attention to these kinds of seriously sketchy power groups that operate in the shadows. It'd be good for all of us if he shines a nice bright light on The Family and it's direct ties to some really shitty things going on in politics. Could be fun.

But the real, real story here is probably that Obama is busily working behind the curtain - he's got all his guys on the phones, calling all the wingers in the database, telling them that he feels perfectly comfortable smackin' the shit out of 'em in their own kitchen (and on camera) unless they dial down the bullshit and start working with him. I think we'll know how it's going by what he says at the event. If he hits 'em over the head with a chair like he did with the Repubs, then he's trying to give them some additional schooling. If he's warm and fuzzy, then he prob'ly got some level of commitment from them at least to ease up on the knee-jerk obstruction crap.

Monday, February 01, 2010

The Spending Freeze

Cutting the budget by demanding cuts in "discretionary spending" always sounds like a great idea until you realize you're not likely to find the biggest number of wasted dollars in the smallest of the budget items.

I haven't looked at Obama's new budget proposal yet, but does anybody really believe there's gonna be a whole lotta change in the percentages?  So here's the basic layout in a package totaling $3.8 Trillion:

$906 Billion = Defense, DHS, VA
$790 Billion = Social Security
$418 Billion = Safety Net Programs
$760 Billion = Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP
$304 Million = Debt Service
$3,178,000,000,000.00 (subtotal)

$622 Billion is what we have left for everything else (Agriculture, Treasury, Commerce, Labor, Education, State, Justice, Transportation, Interior, HUD, Energy).  So go ahead - cut the crap out of it.  Don't just freeze it and not let it grow with inflation; cut it back by 10%.  No, let's cut it by 20%.  If that's all that happened, it looks like we'd make up the current deficit in about 15 years.  Unfortunately, drastic cutbacks actually have the opposite effect on an economy.  If you take a lot of money out of the economy, then you make it harder for everybody to make any headway.  The truth is that while you can spend your way to oblivion, you can't save your way to prosperity.

It's all pretty fucked up, guys.  We're not gonna fix anything until we step up and take a long hard look at all of the budget, including Defense and Medicare and Social Security.  No sacred cows allowed.  It's painful and the ramifications will be felt deeply for a long time.

We Are So Fucked

We get a taste of things to come from a story in The Denver Post today.

In spite of the obvious to the contrary, this gives the Grover Norquists of the world another chance to spin it out as further 'evidence' that any and all government is worthless and should be discontinued.

Anatomy Of "The News"