Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Funnies

Modern Day Book Burning

Yesterday, I downloaded a copy of The Quran to my iPod and then angrily deleted it.

Cold Dead Fingers

Lotsa "conservatives", when talking about 2nd amendment rights and their notions of self-reliance and self-determination and whatever, like to argue that their gun is the great equalizer; that having the gun means it's less likely that anybody is going to push them around.  I call this position The Meyer Lansky.  To paraphrase Mr Lansky, "Everybody's more polite when everybody's got a gun".

I think we could all come up with a fairly simple rebuttal, but that's not what I'm thinking about right now.  I'm wondering why the people who try to make that point are usually the same people who seem to think the same philosophical outlook doesn't apply to nuclear weapons.

Just wonderin'.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Mid Terms 2010

Do not put these assholes back in charge.

Political Insurgency 2010

Everybody seems really freaked out about how the "Tea Party" candidates are likely to screw everything up in the elections this year.  The Repubs are talkin' like they have the House majority sewed up already, but then again, there're lots of stories about how the establishment losers of the primaries refuse to show up at the little Party Unity rallies, where they're supposed to throw their support behind the insurgency winner.

If the Repubs are sure of a big win in November, why are they so upset about the Repub candidates who they say will win them the majority?

Two guesses:
1) The Repubs aren't really feeling confident - it's all just bluster.
2) If these Tea Baggers get elected, the Repub leadership will find it difficult if not impossible to hold any of the new members to party discipline.

Actually, Maybe Freedom Is Free

Monday, September 06, 2010

Electioneering 2010

From TPM:
"Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona," Babeu told the Times. "They literally have scouts on the high points in the mountains and in the hills and they literally control movement. They have radios, they have optics, they have night-vision goggles as good as anything law enforcement has."
"This is going on here in Arizona," he added. "This is 70 to 80 miles from the border - 30 miles from the fifth-largest city in the United States."

 This guy Babeau is the sheriff of a border county in Arizona, and the guy who appears in John McCain's campaign video about "finish the danged fence".  TPM actualy does some decent reporting, so they called around to other law enforcement offices, and couldn't get anybody to confirm anything Babeau said.  In fact, while most stopped short of calling him full of shit, they all flatly contradicted the guy.

Here's a quick question:  Since Babeau is supposed to be in charge of upholding the law in his jurisdiction, is he just pleading for help...or is he admitting to professional incompetence?

Assuming he's a capable agent of the law, I gotta wonder why he says such things.  So I'm thinking it has everything to do with making sure certain middle class white people have something to be afraid of so that Big Daddy Politicians get more power.

These assholes pull this kinda shit because it works.

Right Rage Of The Day

Attempts to tear down Obama will never stop. It doesn't matter what he says or does, the "conservatives" will keep hacking away. Not because they think he's wrong; and not because they think they have better ideas; but because that's how they make their living.

Obama recently installed a new rug in the oval office that includes a quote from a speech by Martin Luther King: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice".
Here's the video:

Thursday, September 02, 2010

New Slogans Needed

Why aren't the Dems blasting the Repubs for saying (essentially) the the US is done - we can't do anything anymore.

Where's all that "Yes We Can"?

The New Right Exposed

Read this from Conor Friedersdorf
There's this weird dynamic in the United States where some conservatives will praise the hard working kid who gets good grades in high school, completes all their homework, avoids behavioral and legal trouble, plays varsity sports, takes a leadership role in student government, and studies hard for his SATs... until he or she attends Harvard, at which point they're put in the coastal elite box, especially if they wind up in politics, media, or academia.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

History Lessons ala Beck

The people Glenn Beck has in his thrall are thirsty for knowledge - they see things are going wrong in their lives but they can't quite accept that they've just been voting for the wrong people.  They need their favorite opinion makers to explain how they can let themselves off the hook, and find somebody to blame for their troubles.  Beck is really good at playing the "don't be naive" card.  "Wake up, America!" is something the guy says on his shows a lot.

He draws it out on his blackboard and always presents his doctrine as if he's just eager to share this new-found information with all of his friends.  The visuals and the presentation style are (I think) purposeful and well thought out - they're aimed at evoking a Sunday School feeling in the audience.  Here's good ol' Glenn; all he wants is to help regular people understand some things.

So now he's all about rewriting US History, but of course what the Beckies are actually learning is a Politically Branded version of history; instead of learning the facts or something as close to the facts as possible.

Read this from Will Bunch at CNN.
The revisionist message behind "Restoring Honor" is nothing new for the conservative shock jock. In the year and half since President Obama took office, Beck has led his loyal followers on a journey not just to "reclaim" civil rights but much more audaciously to rewrite the sweeping narrative arc of American history from the time of the Founding Fathers forward.
The backbone of the Tea Party is over-55s and especially retirees -- some planned, some forced -- with the most valuable asset of all, time.
They see studying U.S. history as a powerful reconnection with their youth. Waiting for Beck's "American Revival" show in Orlando, Florida, in March, 70-year-old fan Joseph Cerniglia told me he was way too busy for civics lessons when he was raising kids and working as a stockbroker and then cider-maker. "I have learned more from Glenn Beck -- learned more about American history and government, from Glenn Beck -- than in the previous 40 years of my life," the retiree told me.

After 8-28


Not long after the real thing happened on August 28 in 1963, a young Curtis Mayfield sat down and wrote a tune that would become one of the enduring anthems for people who just need a little hope and encouragement from time to time.

I can't wait to see what some yahoo comes up with after today's clown parade in Washington. Just so ya know, this is a taste of what you're up against. Covered here by Eva Cassidy at one of the joints in Georgetown, this is part of her only known live performance ever captured on video.

Cassidy died of cancer in 1996. (see Wikipedia article)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ten Years Of Hell

Ken Mehlman a complete asshole.

He presided over a political party whose platform was openly hostile to the basic principles of equality at the foundation of the USofA.

He led the re-election team for Jr Bush in 2004 which had, at it's core, a campaign strategy of fear and hatred - with one of the main themes being the demonization gays and gay marriage in order to motivate voters.

From Ambinder at The Atlantic:
"It's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life," said Mehlman, now an executive vice-president with the New York City-based private equity firm, KKR. "Everybody has their own path to travel, their own journey, and for me, over the past few months, I've told my family, friends, former colleagues, and current colleagues, and they've been wonderful and supportive. The process has been something that's made me a happier and better person. It's something I wish I had done years ago."
What a dick.