Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Today's Tweet

@TinaDupuy:  So far every case of Ebola in this country got it by helping people. So relax, Republicans, you're in the clear.

Privatizing Public Money

There's a good buncha rubes who're always prattling on about how "taxation is theft; da gubmint holds a gun to yer head and steals yer hard-earned money, and gives it away to welfare cheats yada yada yada".

You've got the process right, Dub - but as usual, you're lynchin' the wrong guys, because you're just too deliberately ignorant to know it.

When your head is that far up your ass, even if you manage to open your eyes, all you're gonna see is your own shit.

From TruthDig:
In late February, the North Carolina chapter of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation — a group co-founded by the libertarian billionaire Koch brothers — embarked on what it billed as a statewide tour of charter schools, a cornerstone of the group’s education agenda. The first — and it turns out, only — stop was Douglass Academy, a new charter school in downtown Wilmington.
Douglass Academy was an unusual choice. A few weeks before, the school had been warned by the state about low enrollment. It had just 35 students, roughly half the state’s minimum. And a month earlier, a local newspaper had reported that federal regulators were investigating the school’s operations.
But the school has other attributes that may have appealed to the Koch group.
The school’s founder, a politically active North Carolina businessman named Baker Mitchell, shares the Koch’s free-market ideals. His model for success embraces decreased government regulation, increased privatization and, if all goes well, healthy corporate profits.
In that regard, Mitchell, 74, appears to be thriving. Every year, millions of public education dollars flow through Mitchell’s chain of four nonprofit charter schools to for-profit companies he controls.
The schools buy or lease nearly everything from companies owned by Mitchell. Their desks. Their computers. The training they provide to teachers. Most of the land and buildings. Unlike with traditional school districts, at Mitchell’s charter schools there’s no competitive bidding. No evidence of haggling over rent or contracts.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dreamin' Of A Better Day Gone By

Lay My Burden Down --Alison Krause & Union Staion

Today's Self-Parody

Not that long ago, DumFux News was busy slagging Obama for his propensity for the PhotoOp - I seem to recall somebody using language along the lines of "Obama's addiction to the PhotoOp".  Here, of course, the Fluxxy Friends need to run in the opposite direction to slag the Prez for his dislike of the PhotoOp.

2nd - as everybody's been pointing out - these guys give us a good look at another example of just saying whatever the fuck they need to say to get the rubes to start flingin' shit - the fact that we don't have an Ebola Czar, even tho' their guys have blocked Obama's choice for Surgeon General; and if we wanna go back just a bit further - these are the guys who were voicing great disgruntlement over Obama's "appointment of all those darned czars"; plus something else that everybody's pointing out - the simple fact that their guys have done nothing but cut the funding to the bureaus and agencies that they now say are letting us down.

Wanna see how Gubmint works when it's run like a bidness?  Your wait is over.

Today's Colbert

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Ballsy Ad

I'm not asking anybody to try to match the Repubs crazy-for-crazy, but I really would like it if the Dems could finally getup on their hind legs.

And BTW, Dems - when you don't stand up and make a lotta noise about the Repub Stoopids wanting nothing but more cuts, you're helping people make the case about "both sides", which adds to the gridlock in Washington, which adds to the paralysis of the electorate, which makes it impossible for cooler heads to prevail once the shit really hits the fan.

Step up or step aside.

La Musica

Sarah Jarosz and The Milk Caron Kids, Austin City Limits

Mile On The Moon

Years Gone By

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Today's Jesus Ain't

Jesus ain't your toady, Huck.

The American ISIS

...meets the Islamic Klan(?)

Whatever I'm doing on any given Saturday morning isn't more important or educational than listening to The Professional Left podcast from driftglass and BlueGal.

Starting at about 37:00, they get to the meat of something that sounds about right.  Even if it does end up seeming a little obvious, when somebody connects a coupla dots for me, and there's the sound of a click in the upper part of my brain, I know I've become aware of something worth learning about.

Anyway, listen to it and then tell me there's nothing to worry about with something like the Bullshit Revisionist History Curriculum in Colorado (eg) right now.

It's important to believe as many true things as possible, and to not believe as many false things as possible. (paraphrasing Matt Dillahunty)

Friday, October 10, 2014

And Away We Go

Farther down that long and slippery slope.  From Rolling Stone:
"In terms of a clear national picture of what kind of military equipment is going to K-12 schools through the 1033 program, we don't have a 100 percent transparent picture," says Janel George, education policy counsel at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. That lack of transparency is one reason the Legal Defense Fund and Texas Appleseed are asking the DLA to end the 1033 program's relationship with school districts and school police departments. George also emphasizes that excessive force against students by school police is already far too common, with many school officers armed with weapons like tasers and pepper-spray. "The concern is not only the potential harm when you add in military-grade weaponry – we're talking about M16s, AR 15s and grenade launchers. It's also, how does this exacerbate existing school climates that are already tense? And how does that contribute to the criminalization of youth of color in particular?"
The disproportionate punishment of Black and Latino students for the same behavior as their white peers is so well-documented that, earlier this year, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education expressed concern that such disparities may constitute a widespread civil rights violation. The fact that students of color, as well as students with disabilities, are so much more likely to be referred to law enforcement leads advocates to wonder: On whom are such military weapons likely to be used?
"In LA, if you depend on public schools – and given that the vast majority of students are students of color – at the moment you walk into school, your interaction with police automatically grows," says Manuel Criollo, director of organizing at the Strategy Center. "You depend on a public service, and that public service is attached to the criminal legal system. Are the police there for [the students'] safety, or are they there because they perceive them as a threat?"
Like the man said - "this country is finished".

All we're doing now is arguing about who gets to do what with the corpse.