Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Today's Quote

Dunning-Kruger strikes again.

This is pretty close to a much broader charge of False Consciousness, but we gotta be able to address it - we can't fix it if we don't know there's something wrong with it.

We all have pockets of incompetence; we're all susceptible to the effects of Dunning-Kruger.

What we have to do is go outside our own spheres of delusion (ie: talk to other humans), test our thinking against what others are thinking, establish some kind of baseline parameters of fact, and then get to an understanding that the more we learn, the more we realize how little we actually know.

(that "baseline parameters of fact" thing is where we seem to get kinda hung up)

hat tip = FB friend LM-M

Monday, May 23, 2016

It's Personal

On a certain level, I think I may not give half-a-fuck who wins the election as long as somebody can do something to fix this shit right here:

40 bucks a pound?  You can buy a brand new full-sized SUV for about $10 a pound.  


What the fuck is up with pine nuts?

It's A Wonderment

(at about 5:10 when Bloody Bill Kristol spouts off about how nobody trusts Trump or Hillary, Brazile nails it):

"...we have to get over the fact that we won't have a lotta love in this campaign."

I'm anything but a Donna Brazile fan, but that right there is fucking genius - get the fuck over it, kids.

The rest of it is more of the same old crap about Both Sides, and everybody's awful, and there's no reason anybody would wanna vote for any of these jokers, and gee whiz, I wonder why we can't get Americans to show up on Election Day. Which of course is what makes the Donna Brazile thing so sparkly, and why she doesn't get to talk about it much on the air.  She came a little too close to calling the Horse Race Bullshit for what it is.

And also too - is there really any reason to keep Cokie Roberts around - for anything?  I haven't heard her express a cogent thought that isn't basically "Yeah, but the Democrats..." for a dozen years or more (thanks, driftglass).  Does she have somebody's grandkids tied up in her basement or something? Fuck me, lady - enough. You're done. Time for you to be the Grande Dame of the Georgetown Cocktail Circuit full-time or whatever, but please just go the fuck away already.

Not that I feel strongly about it or nuthin'.

Thinkin' Music

Steve Kimock

w/ Bobby Vega (bass), Leslie Mendelson & John Kimock (drums)

"Careless Love"
"Tongue N' Groove"
"Surely This Day"

Today's Tweet

Twitter buddy Inigo Montoya asks:

Media analysts and various consultants discovered in the 90s that while approval ratings for broadcasters went straight into the shitter when they ran stories about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski, the number of viewers tuning in to see those stories went in exactly the opposite direction. 

We love to hate ourselves for loving to watch such hateful shit in such a Stockholm Syndrome-y way.  This is USAmerica Incorporated - it's just something we do.

What's Wrong Here?

Steven Rosenfeld interviewing David Cay Johnston over at AlterNet:
“Imagine that you are a mortgage lender. Are you going to lend people money for 30 years if they don’t have the security of employment?” Johnston said, offering an example of how the successful push by the technology sector to undermine and overturn the labor laws created during the New Deal are tilting too far toward piecemeal purveyors and will create new instability.
“People are working without salary, benefits, and the stability to buy a house and raise a family,” he said, saying that the blame can be placed at the foot of high-tech lobbyists who have donated to congressional campaigns and federal officeholders who subsequently loosened federal laws to their benefit.
Meanwhile, according to Pew’s New Digital Economy report, 61 percent of Americans have never heard of “crowdfunding,” 73 percent are not familiar with the “sharing economy,” and 89 percent have never heard of the “gig economy.”
The big picture painted by Johnston, who is a registered Republican but schooled in the belief that business prospers when wages and benefits are reliable and income is spent locally, was the fundamentals of middle-class stability are being further eroded by a new technology-based oligarchy. Despite all the hip apps and marketing, gig economy profits are only going to executives while the jobs offered are intrinsically unstable, fiscally unpredictable and most of the risk and expense are placed on contract workers.
 But not to worry, Oligarchs - the great American Intellect Deficit is forever on your side:
Meanwhile, according to Pew’s New Digital Economy report, 61 percent of Americans have never heard of “crowdfunding,” 73 percent are not familiar with the “sharing economy,” and 89 percent have never heard of the “gig economy.”

Today's Pix

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Today's Quote

"Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I will always be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll still be in your head."

--Wm Shakespeare

Prematurely Mainstream

A coupla other Fugelsang concepts that stand out for me:
sometimes atheists are the best Christians
separation of Church and Faith 

John Fugelsang: