Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Saturday, September 29, 2018

I Wish I Could Do That

Kavanaugh vs Tarentino

One More Time

Ronan Farrow is turning out to be quite the investigator. And while the fact of Ramirez isn't new, the story of the Repubs holding it back explains how they managed to (eg) come up with a list of 65 women to "vouch" for Kavanaugh's character on such very short notice.

At that point, Heather Sawyer, the Democratic staffer who was copied on the e-mails in accordance with committee policy, wrote to Davis, “As you’re aware, Ms. Ramirez’s counsel have repeatedly requested to speak with the Committee, on a bipartisan basis, to determine how to proceed. You refused. I’ve never encountered an instance where the Committee has refused even to speak with an individual or counsel. I am perplexed as to why this is happening here, except that it seems designed to ensure that the Majority can falsely claim that Ms. Ramirez and her lawyers refused to cooperate. That simply is not true.”

They knew there were some major problems in this asshat's past and weirdly, the "woman problem" may be the one they actually want us to focus on, so we can be made to overlook the truly horrendous shit he's pulled as a long-time GOP operative, specializing in Rat-Fuckery.

I just like to remind myself of these things. 

And also too - thinking about Kavanaugh's little hissy fits on Thursday, imagine what this jagoff is going to be like in a debate with SCOTUS colleagues behind the doors.

And also too, pt 2: Imagine Donald Segretti, as a mean drunk, being elevated to SCOTUS.

Come At Me, Bro

If you're still on board with Cult45, you have no way to troll me effectively, because it's all but certain there's nothing in your opinion that can be identified as factual, or logic-based - which makes it impossible to respect the intellect behind that opinion.

Your MAGA hat, and your big red Xs, and your 4Chan QAnon baloney, and your DumFux News bullet points all demonstrate that you and I are simply not morally compatible.

Say your worst - it's meaningless - it's nothing - it's balloon juice and sail boat fuel.

hat tip = @JohnPavlovitz

Quick Reminder

37 days until 11-06-18

Friday, September 28, 2018

Today's Pix

click it

Oops - Just Missed

A hero

On 26 September 1983, just three weeks after the Soviet military had shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Petrov was the duty officer at the command center for the Oko nuclear early-warning system when the system reported that a missile had been launched from the United States, followed by up to five more. Petrov judged the reports to be a false alarm,[1] and his decision to disobey orders, against Soviet military protocol,[2] is credited with having prevented an erroneous retaliatory nuclear attack on the United States and its NATO allies that could have resulted in large-scale nuclear war. Investigation later confirmed that the Soviet satellite warning system had indeed malfunctioned.

Now imagine this while Cult45's in charge.

Pick A Little Guitar

Almost Too Late - Dan Schwartz (harp guitar)

Fake Jesus, Make It Stop

Brett Kavanaugh's support gang is not looking real supportive.

But let's talk about how eleven Shouty Old White Dudes managed to miss a great opportunity - and I'm not referring to how they failed to ask the right questions of a nominee who's "qualified" for SCOTUS, while being so totally fucking wrong for the job.

The committee had an expert witness in front of them for hours - someone who has academic credentials out the wazoo, who's a seasoned pro in a field of study that ties in perfectly with the experience of millions of sexual assault victims, and who knows a lot about the inner workings of the human brain - and sadly they missed the chance to ask her the one truly important question: "Dr Ford, please take a few minutes and explain to us why we're acting like such assholes about this whole thing."

And BTW - a coupla points about how Kavanaugh has such great regard for women that his staffers are almost exclusively female:

1 - why would a predator not surround himself with potential prey?

2 - The Charlie Wilson crap: "They can learn how to type, and do the filing - they can't learn how to grow tits."

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Today's Tweet

Well - it can't be irony - these idiots killed that a long time ago.  We're gonna need some new words.