Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, October 05, 2018

Perverse And Pervasive

Mad Magazine has run a piece on the real shit that happens because of our national blind spot regarding guns.

hat tip = @dizwire

Today's Tweet

Because most of the people working "for him" know they're working for the office of the presidency and not for the phony fuck who currently occupies the position, but they're committed to serving this country as honorably as possible. So maybe they're winking at us - trying to send us a signal, "...and this ain't the half of it - you wouldn't believe some of the weird shit that goes on...".

Thursday, October 04, 2018

And Then It Clicked

Catching up with some of the video I've missed this week, I hit the 8:00 mark of John Oliver's post - "Fights on boats in Rhode Island" - and the connection snapped into place. Almost literally; like when you crash and you hear the pop of a ligament of the crunch sound of breaking bone.

I heard that snapping sound in my mind as I remembered the characterization of a guy named George Huguely - a lacrosse player at UVa who "accidentally" murdered his girlfriend, Yeardley Love in 2010.

Among the stories of Huguely's mercurial personality, there were stories of Huguely losing his temper - usually when he'd been drinking - screaming at people (his dad, or maybe step-dad in particular) while boating in Virginia and Maryland.

These prep school overprivileged legacy pukes need to be put to work picking up trash along the highways - not in positions of power where they are rewarded for their shitty little bullying behavior, and where they can be useful to a Daddy State by continuing that behavior.

It can't be surprising when a guy like 45* goes along with like-minded guys at The Federalist Society, and picks a guy like Kavanaugh.

Today's Pix

click 'em

Sportin' It Up

She plays like a girl. Yeah - in your wildest dreams you're not this good.

Fired Up

Portia - America's grandma - From Dec 2017

Isaiah 10:

Doom to you who legislate evil,
who make laws that make victims;
Laws that make misery for the poor,
that rob my destitute people of dignity,
Exploiting defenseless widows,
taking advantage of homeless children.
What will you have to say on Judgment Day,
when Doomsday arrives out of the blue?
Who will you get to help you?
What good will your money do you?
A sorry sight you’ll be then, huddled with the prisoners,
or just some corpses stacked in the street.
Even after all this, God is still angry,
his fist still raised, ready to hit them again.

Stay mad

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Write It Down

It came into my brainspace today when I was out for a walk.

I don't know what to do with it, so here it is on my little blog, so I don't misplace it.

The Seven Dark Side Dwarfs
Fuckin' Moron (his half-twin)

Oh, Those Optics

“There is nothing independent about her opinion,” Fairstein said. “She is a hired gun giving an opinion for the side that hired her.”

If you're not the right person to question a witness in a Senate committee hearing, then you're not the right person to be a Senator. 

Please, Repubs - stop floating all that bullshit about how open and honest and fair you're trying to be.

Emma Brown and Seung Min Kim, WaPo:

The prosecutor hired by Republican senators to question Christine Blasey Ford has declared that Ford’s allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh are so weak that no “reasonable prosecutor” would pursue the case.

“A ‘he said, she said’ case is incredibly difficult to prove. But this case is even weaker than that,” Rachel Mitchell, a Repub­lican sex-crimes prosecutor from Arizona, wrote Sunday in a five-page memorandum, highlighting what she described as inconsistencies in Ford’s account and a lack of corroboration from potential witnesses.

Though Senate Republicans said the memo was helpful, legal experts from both political parties and advocates for victims of sexual assault on Monday questioned how Mitchell could reach such a conclusion without a fuller investigation and without the ability to cross-examine witnesses such as Mark Judge, the only other person Ford says was in the room when the alleged incident occurred in the summer of 1982.

“As a former prosecutor myself, I’ve come to no conclusion other than the conclusion that there needs to be more facts to come to a conclusion,” said Douglas Wigdor, an employment lawyer who has represented plaintiffs in sexual assault and harassment cases. Wigdor, a Republican, called the memo “a joke” and “preposterous.”

- and -

Tasha Menacker, chief strategy officer for the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, said she has heard survivors talking in recent days about how their experiences match the experience described by Ford, including an inability to pinpoint when their assault occurred or other such details.

“I’m afraid that survivors in Maricopa County are going to see this and relate to Dr. Ford, and be concerned about whether or not they would be believed,” she said. “Survivors are going to see this and say, ‘I wouldn’t be able to be consistent in my recollections either, remember specific dates either.’ ”

Matthew Long, a defense attorney who once worked for Mitchell as a sex-crimes prosecutor, was quoted as calling her “the best” in a story in a local newspaper last week, before the memo was issued. On Monday, Long said he was surprised to see that she cited Ford’s gaps in memory as evidence of the weakness of her allegation.

“The things that she’s highlighting that say that Dr. Ford is not credible are the very things she has taught me to ignore and not rely on,” he said in an interview. The memo, he said, “demonstrates she’s abandoned what she knows to be true in favor of being a political operative.”

This Just In

The Mash Report - BBC Two

Today's Tweet

Huckleberry ButchMeUp gets a little spookier every day.

'Course, there's always the possibility that he's playing the opposite game so he can infiltrate the inner sanctum of Cult45 and what the fuck is happening to us?