Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Today's Tweet

First, "NutMeg McCain" is the best nickname since I dunno when. It sounds like it's straight out of the old west - like a legendary madam in one of the mining camps or something.

Anyway, there's no one on TV who does the poor-poor-pitiful-me bullshit better.

Katie Porter

First - it's not fuckin' funny. 

My default position is that if it was any less tragic, it wouldn't be funny, but there's something at work here that indicates we've reached a new level. 

There's something in Carson's "performance" that tells me Cult45 not only has no respect for the concept of 3 co-equal branches of government, they hold a deep and abiding contempt for it - as well as for all of us who understand the need for Checks and Balances.

It's an illness - the need to spare no effort when trying "own the Libs" - this absolute imperative that says you have to hack off your own foot if "the other side" so much as hints at being in favor of toes.

Second, when Carson tries to crack wise with the Oreo bullshit, he's not just sneering at us. He's not just mocking Porter's intellect - btw, how totally ridiculous is it that an actual brain surgeon sits there basically slagging someone for being nerdily smart? - but he's telegraphing his ignorance of his own cultural roots from the 70s. If ever there was a black guy in USAmerica Inc who qualifies as an "Oreo", its Ben Carson - and it's like he has no fucking clue what it even means.

More than ever, I'm convinced there are people working diligently to kill this form of government.

These are not patriots looking to serve - they're Daddy State assholes who intend to rule.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Today's Tweet

And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through

Betsy DeVos is a pimp for the Rent-Seekers. She cares nothing for education except as a profit-making venture, and so she wants nothing more than to keep those kids under the thumbs of bankers and bosses and credit hounds for the rest of their lives.

So I guess I don't quite understand what it is the administration at Bethune-Cookman were expecting.

From Some Tweets

Justin Amash is a bit of a prig - Freedom Caucus freak that he is - but at least he's willing to try sticking with his "principles", and to apply them in an attempt to hold POTUS accountable.

I guess this is a pretty good example of "strange bedfellows" and the weirdness that can come from bipartisanship and efforts to make common cause. 

  • People who say there were no underlying crimes and therefore the president could not have intended to illegally obstruct the investigation—and therefore cannot be impeached—are resting their argument on several falsehoods:
    Replying to
    1. They say there were no underlying crimes.
    In fact, there were many crimes revealed by the investigation, some of which were charged, and some of which were not but are nonetheless described in Mueller’s report.
    2. They say obstruction of justice requires an underlying crime.
    In fact, obstruction of justice does not require the prosecution of an underlying crime, and there is a logical reason for that. Prosecutors might not charge a crime precisely *because* obstruction of justice denied them timely access to evidence that could lead to a prosecution.
    If an underlying crime were required, then prosecutors could charge obstruction of justice only if it were unsuccessful in completely obstructing the investigation. This would make no sense.
    3. They imply the president should be permitted to use any means to end what he claims to be a frivolous investigation, no matter how unreasonable his claim.
    In fact, the president could not have known whether every single person Mueller investigated did or did not commit any crimes.
    4. They imply “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” requires charges of a statutory crime or misdemeanor.
    In fact, “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” is not defined in the Constitution and does not require corresponding statutory charges. The context implies conduct that violates the public trust—and that view is echoed by the Framers of the Constitution and early American scholars.