Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Why Rush Limbaugh

...gets a Medal Of Freedom when he's obviously a douchenozzle among douchenozzles.

In Trumplandia, you don't get the accolades in spite of your douchenozzlery, but because of it - 
anything to own the libs

...that's all that matters.

But Limbaugh is extra special qualified because he can be seen as the personification of this year's installment of "very fine people on both sides".

Giving that slug a medal is a signal to the unwashed hordes of MAGA rubes that 45* is still totally down with hating all the right people for them, but expands the shittiness way beyond simple Racism and Misogyny, in order to make it a very handy weapon to use against anybody and everybody who displeases him at any given moment.

Some of RushBo's greatest hits:
  • Attempts to slut-shame dozens of notable women - Krystal Ball, Christine Blasey-Ford, Susan McDougal, Sandra Fluke (this list goes on for-fucking-ever)
  • "Barack The Magic Negro"
  • Mocking Michael J Fox 
  • Chelsea Clinton - the White House dog
  • Michelle Obama is guilty of "uppity-ism"
  • Bill and Hillary murdered Vince Foster
  • Sandy Hook was a hoax
  • and and and
Some of us are forever enthralled with that Shock Jock bullshit which is supposed to become less interesting the farther we get from our middle school lunchrooms.

Today's Tweet

Today's Poe too.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

New Video

From Eleven Films

Do impartial justice

Today's Tweet

Haven't heard from this guy in a while.

Let's Do Some Pie

Wealth inequity is the surest way for rich people to fuck themselves out of being rich.

Over time, wealth (and the power that always goes with it) migrates upwards.  More and more money and power are concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, until just a very small number of plutocrats are running the whole show.

In order for that to work, less and less money and power has to be shared by more and more people, until folks come to understand that they've been left with nothing more to lose.

That's when the man on the white horse rides in, riles 'em up and they crash the plutocrats' party in the most unpleasant ways - all in the name of goodness and patriotism and Making America Great Again.

To be sure, there's a righteousness about trying to even things up - trying to get equilibrium back into the thing. But when a system is as badly out of balance as it is in USAmerica Inc, people get desperate. And desperate people do some pretty crazy (ie: stoopid) things - like following the wrong guys who talk them into doing some really fucked shit.

Trump is the deceiver.

If I ignore what I consider the silliness of people who believed in gods and demons and a geocentric universe, and look to the basic human circumstances that seem to prevail no matter the place or time, I can get pretty cozy with the warnings of a mad monk in a cave 1800 years ago, trying to suss out why so many rich people act like such dicks, and why it's so easy for them to sucker so many normal everyday otherwise-clear-thinking folks.

It is a wonderment.

BTW - looking at Trump as that false messiah helps explain the fucked up "logic" of American Evangelicals.

And also too - the parallels with Nazi occultism are getting really freaky.

About Last Night

The big takeaway is that the buzz today is all about Badass Boss Pelosi and not that miserable 90-minute infomercial, all dressed up and trying to look like statesmanship.

Bryan Tyler Cohen

Overheard On The Web

All the hand-wringing and conspiracy gossip swirling around the Iowa Primary seems a little silly.

The thing is run by Boomer volunteers.

So what's more likely? That they managed to rig 1700 individual caucuses, or that the old folks had trouble getting the app to work?

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

It Will Come Out

But the question remains: will we get confirmation on what we need to know - what we're pretty sure we already know - in time?

New York Times Magazine:

It tells of Mike Offit - former Deustchebank wheel who helped engineer what became billions of dollars in loans to Trump at a time when nobody else would touch him.

And then he helped with the messaging so they could pretzel the fuck outa the thing in order to turn Trump into a noble avatar, at one with The Great American Little Guy.

... Democrats were pillorying Trump’s shaky — not to mention murky — personal finances, including his companies’ chronic bankruptcies. Offit thought he might dispense a little advice to his erstwhile client. On a Friday evening, he emailed Trump a lengthy message, explaining that the defense Trump was offering at the time — that he was simply using the bankruptcy law in an advantageous way — wasn’t resonating with voters. “I believe there is a much better answer, that may help defuse this issue, and am just arrogant enough to suggest it,” Offit wrote.

He advised Trump to claim that his companies had been forced to declare bankruptcy, the victims of greedy hedge funds so obsessed with wringing every last dollar out of him that they refused to let him renegotiate his crushing debts. Was this true? Not really. But it sounded good, and the line of attack meshed with Trump’s populist rhetoric on the campaign trail.

The money quote:

Last April, congressional Democrats subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for its records on Trump, his family members and his businesses. The Trump family sued to block the bank from complying; after two federal courts ruled against the Trumps, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case, with oral arguments expected in the spring. State prosecutors, meanwhile, are investigating the bank’s ties with Trump, too. The F.B.I. has been conducting its own wide-­ranging investigation of Deutsche Bank, and people connected to the bank told me they have been interviewed by special agents about aspects of the Trump relationship.

Read the thing, and understand how openly these assholes are doing their criming.

Hiding in plain sight.

The main thing right now is to keep a good watchful eye on US Att'y General Bill (Where's My Roy Cohn) Barr.

I'd give a coupla my nuts to be wrong, but I think we really are seeing the big push. The Daddy State trying to come to full flower.

Oh yeah - don't miss the part where Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's son pops up in the middle of this fucking thing.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Today's Tweet


Covering It All

Just to be sure I've got it all covered, I'd like to take this opportunity to assure my loyal readers that the Super Bowl confetti was not made entirely of shredded head injury studies.

thanks - The Onion