Slouching Towards Oblivion

Nov 16, 2012

A Fairly Simple Concept

I've been wondering pretty hard about how to articulate the basic shoot-yourself-in-the-foot strategy the GOP is trying to make work when it comes to winning elections and being able to "govern"*.

It just doesn't make any sense to alienate up to 95% of any given (eg: black) demographic if you expect to win - unless of course if you have a solid handle on ways to keep a sizable portion of those demographics from voting in the first place.  And that's what all the Voter Suppression - I mean Election Integrity efforts were all about - fucking duh.  (How many times do we have to hear about it from Maddow and every commentator left of Fred Barnes before we get it?).

Anyway, the GOP's real problem is this:

(hat tip = Balloon Juice)

...and the real real problem is that yes, actually it is indeed possible to fool some of the people all of the time.  But we can hope that the "some of the people" demographic is finally starting to shrink a bit.

*is it really "governing" if you're elected by a self-selecting minority?  I think there's a different word for that.

Deficit And Debt

No really - all your talk about your horrible tax burden and your right to keep the money you (haven't really) earned on your investments, and all the rest of the crap Repubs are always on about means precisely dick.

Nov 15, 2012

Today's Pix

It's Not A Cliff

First off, it's never about what they tell us it's about - almost exactly what Chris Hayes is saying here.

And I'll say this again - there's nothing better than listening to smart people talking about important stuff.

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The Bass Player

Hat tip = Little Green Footballs

Nov 14, 2012

We Are So Fucked

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Say It Ain't So, Peaches

David Petraeus (nicknamed Peaches as a teenager) has seen a good bit of shittiness in his career, but I get the feeling he ain't seen nothin' compared with the enormity of what's coming down on him now.

So far, it's been just kind of interesting to watch the Villagers as they cluck their tongues and wag their fingers at him, acting shocked that he'd let himself in for something like this.  I get the feeling that a bunch of 'em knew about it (or at least suspected it - because they go to the same parties as all of the players in this High School Fuck-Around Melodrama) and now they get to pretend they're not just jumping up and down on the guy's head yelling, "See?  I told you this'd blow up in your face, and you'd end up helping us sell a shitoad of diapers and deodorant".  For the Press Poodles, this is way better than the standard Dead White Girl story any day.

My take: unless there's a serious threat to People or Mission, I don't care if he's fucking frogs.  Everything else is just Reality Porn you can get on basic cable 24/7.

Not that this is related - well maybe, but barely:


Last Tuesday, in some places, voters legalized Gay Marriage and Pot.  This is exactly what they needed to do because it's what The Bible demands:

Leviticus 20:13 --"If a man should lie with another man, they should be stoned".

We've just been reading it wrong.

Today's Pix

The Sphere, The Fog, And The Ark

God love The Onion.

hat tip = Little Green Footballs