I don't know what to do about schools or poverty or unemployment or healthcare or crime. I don't even know what to call it; this combination of symptoms that indicate a pervasive and (if history is any guide at all) generally fatal disease of the body politic.
Can we call it The Cycle of Shitty?
How 'bout Disintegrating Empire Syndrome due to Electoral Dysfunction? Quick - somebody call Pfizer and threaten to give them billions of tax dollars if they don't develop a new pill to take our minds off our troubles.
I just don't know.
But I'm fairly certain that we can't keep following along blindly, buying into the bullshit of Austerity and Tough Love and Economic Shock Therapy - all of which are just manufactured terms used to keep us off-balance and to hide the fact that our "leaders" either have no workable solutions or they're determined to rule rather than serve. Either way, not a happy choice.
Here's what I think I know:
You don't keep a guy from getting run over by a cement truck by shoving him out into traffic.
Translation - You help people by helping them - you don't help them by not helping them. (and I can't believe ya have to say it out loud like that, but fuck me - I guess maybe ya do)
Here's my message for the guys who put up the federal budget - that's Paul Ryan in the House and Patty Murray in the Senate:
The only thing worse than a government that spends too much is a government that doesn't spend enough - so figure it out, assholes.
Gene Robinson at WaPo:
Can we call it The Cycle of Shitty?
How 'bout Disintegrating Empire Syndrome due to Electoral Dysfunction? Quick - somebody call Pfizer and threaten to give them billions of tax dollars if they don't develop a new pill to take our minds off our troubles.
I just don't know.
But I'm fairly certain that we can't keep following along blindly, buying into the bullshit of Austerity and Tough Love and Economic Shock Therapy - all of which are just manufactured terms used to keep us off-balance and to hide the fact that our "leaders" either have no workable solutions or they're determined to rule rather than serve. Either way, not a happy choice.
Here's what I think I know:
You don't keep a guy from getting run over by a cement truck by shoving him out into traffic.
Translation - You help people by helping them - you don't help them by not helping them. (and I can't believe ya have to say it out loud like that, but fuck me - I guess maybe ya do)
Here's my message for the guys who put up the federal budget - that's Paul Ryan in the House and Patty Murray in the Senate:
The only thing worse than a government that spends too much is a government that doesn't spend enough - so figure it out, assholes.
Gene Robinson at WaPo:
Alleviating stubborn poverty is difficult and expensive. Direct government aid — money, food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance and the like — is not enough. Poor people need employment that offers a brighter future for themselves and their children. Which means they need job skills. Which means they need education. Which means they need good schools and safe streets.
The list of needs is dauntingly long, and it’s hard to know where to start — or where the money for all the needed interventions will come from. It’s much easier to say that culture is ultimately to blame. But since there’s no step-by-step procedure for changing a culture, we end up not doing anything.And just to be clear about Paul Ryan's dog-whistle crap about some kinda "...tailspin of culture, in our inner cities...", let's try to remember what Brother Jay Smooth teaches us: