May 17, 2014

Larry Wilkerson

"...the invisible hand of Adam Smith in "Wealth of Nations" is not an invisible hand - it's now the hand of oligarchs..."

One of the great mysteries of the colossal cluster fuck known as the George W Bush administration is that (apparently) nobody was listening to Larry Wilkerson.

Or was it that Larry wasn't speaking quite as clearly then as he is now?  Dunno, but we'd better start listening to him now if we're to have any real chance of stickin' around long enough to find out.

Anyway, from The Real News:

May 16, 2014

Little Wing (cover) --The Corrs (Jimi Hendix)

Sweet Harmony (cover) --Maria Muldaur (Smokey Robinson)

If you can dream it, it can be done
And tho' a task was made for two,
It can still be done by one

New From Heckbender

Logical Fallacy # 13 - The Gambler's Fallacy

The gambler's fallacy, also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy or the fallacy of the maturity of chances, is the mistaken belief that if something happens more frequently than normal during some period, then it will happen less frequently in the future; likewise, if something happens less frequently than normal during some period, then it will happen more frequently in the future (presumably as a means of balancing nature). In situations where what is being observed is truly random (i.e. independent trials of a random process), this belief, though appealing to the human mind, is false. This fallacy can arise in many practical situations although it is most strongly associated with gambling where such mistakes are common among players.

Today's WTF

Idaho.  (That's it - I've got nuthin' else cuz there's just nuthin' else to get.

Watch this clip and then tell me there's anything anybody can say to make sense of what's going on up in here.

You might be able to make one point:  Gov Butch "insisted" on including the Wacko Biker and the Old Bible Sage, and maybe he did that to try to show people he's inclusive and not threatened by out-lying opinion, but - seriously, I mean...just...holy fuck, Idaho.

May 14, 2014

It's Just Business

Old White Dicks


John Oliver is stretching the envelope:

The Adventures Of Voteman

The Danes are getting pretty insistent on the whole Get-Off-Your-Ass-And-Go-Vote thing.

hat tip = Democratic Underground

A Prediction

Repubs continue trying to spin Benghazi into something more than the standard-issue mundane little fuck up that happens in big organizations every day.  This one happened to get 4 of us killed in rather gruesome fashion - and of course that really sucks and I wish we could figure out how to keep that shit from going down - but since when did Americans getting killed in service to their country become so worrisome to Republicans?  They love that shit.

Anyway, the point here is not about making trouble for Obama and that should be obvious to everybody outside of the Rube Demographic - the 25% of the GOP's voter base who'll swallow any dick the RNC waves in their face.

They'll do everything they can do to keep it all simmering; and I suspect they'll go on fishing for anything that Winger Media can use to fan the flames during the Mid-Terms, but the strategy is to make trouble for whoever the Dems run in 2016, and the tag line will be a redux from 2000 - "aren't you tired of all the scandal?"

They're betting on Hillary getting that Dem nomination, and since they're taking some real hits on their Do-Nothing-Block-Everything-Stall-For-Time-So-We-Can-Go-On-Doing-Nothing approach to "governance", recalling "The Scandal Fatigue" is about all they've got.

You know I'm right.