Slouching Towards Oblivion

Feb 12, 2016

The Patriots

The pinnacle of historical esteem is when people write songs about you and your exploits.  I guess there's some kind of opposite thing happening when they do it as satire(?)

The Ballad Of The Malheur Patriots  --Laura Sams and Garrett Palm

Today's Tweet

It takes a writer like Fallows to see the "enormity" of the problem and then express it in fewer words rather than more.

Today's GIF

Feb 11, 2016

Goober Squad Update

The last of the militia schmucks in Oregon gave it up today and surrendered to the FBI.

So, of course, I had to bop over to Fox Nation to check on the reactions of the Guano Clan - and also too because trolling those mush-brains is just too damned fun.

Today's best troll comment:

The System Ain't Broke's fixed.

And Then There Were 7

And the question now is - will they let Jim Gilmore into the next debate?  I mean - gee whiz  - he was only 6300 votes outa 8th place in New Hampshire.  And you gotta have an odd number so you can make sure Trump's always at center stage.  C'mon, guys, think. 

Feb 10, 2016

Today's WIngnut

Some of these wackos are giving wackos a bad name.

The Purge for Purity is just plain silly if you're concluding that a rapacious privatizing rent-seeking asshole like Paul Ryan doesn't quite measure up to your Assholery Specifications.

Today's Pix

Today's Toon