Sep 29, 2016

It Starts With Entitlement

That was one very short hop away from Trump declaring himself a God-Annointed Sovereign.

Eugenics, anyone? 

Today's Keith

It really is Garbage In, Garbage Out.  If Repubs want a better GOP, they're gonna need a whole buncha better voters.

My Blogiversary

A Tweet

"When they go low, we go high."  And ya know - the Obama's are just better people than most.  Cuz me (and, I think, Luther) would most likely interpret that like this: "you go at my knees and I'm coming back for your fucking head". 

Which is kinda how it works out - the way FLOTUS does it anyway.  Glad I'm on her side.

Sep 28, 2016

Geez, These Kids

Eric Trump on Wednesday joined Donald Trump's surrogates in applauding the Republican nominee for not bringing up Bill Clinton's sex scandals during the Monday debate, even saying that the moment is "something I’ll always remember."
"Gee - I'll always remember that time on national primetime TV, seen by 70 million Americans plus maybe twice that many around the world - I'll remember my dad deciding not to be a giant gold-plated monument to Total Douchenozzlery" .

First time for everything, I guess.  But indeed, Eric , how proud you must be - as are we all, of course.

And if you open that window just a bit, you can hear me rolling my eyes so hard I can see what's left of my brain after having to acknowledge that even people like Donald Trump are allowed to breed. 

A Quickie

hat tip = Tweeter @djred678

Keith Olbermann

Who is Carter Page?

Today's Gotcha

What They Say

Repubs - the ones with most of the money and power - love to lead the bitch session about Dems and Libruls who're busy spending "Other People's Money".  What they always conveniently neglect to mention is that the reason it's "your money" is that they don't contribute much at all, and they're always busy pimping us into helping them pay even less while getting a bigger and bigger share of the benefits.

All the little grey areas and loopholes in our ridiculous Tax Code; an economy increasingly tilted in favor of wealthy people - none of this happens if we stop allowing guys like Donald Trump to play us for suckers.  


Sep 27, 2016

You Can Quote Me

Trump is that guy - kind of a passing acquaintance - who just shows up at the friendly neighborhood poker game, where he mooches everybody's beer, he bets with IOUs, and he has to be reminded to ante up every.fucking.hand.