Mar 30, 2019

Today's Pix

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Man Is Not Nature At Its Best

I would truly love to survive the coming apocalypse for a chance to observe some of the Darwinian sorting that goes with it.

Pro Left Pod

Episode 487 - A Coverup In Plain Sight

  • Coming up on 5 million listens
  • Driftglass hits blogiversary #14
  • Science Fiction University will launch this fall - be sure to listen for the parallels of fiction writing and the unreliable narration of our current political drama
  • GOP Rubes as Zombie Nation

Do The Merch

Beau Be Mad

Beau Of The Fifth Column - Justin King - on the land of the free and the home of the brave:

"Conservatives" are just a buncha whiny-butt pussies.

Mar 29, 2019

It Rolls Downhill

In keeping with Cult45's leadership on such things (cough*Puerto Rico*cough), may I just say this about the folks in Nebraska who are struggling to deal with some pretty bad shit because of the floods - because of the long-predicted effects of Climate Change - because of Anthropogenic Global Warming - because they've spent years deciding to do nothing about it:

Fuck 'em - they didn't vote for my guys - they didn't vote for my agenda - so fuck 'em - right thru the eyeballs - just - fuck 'em.

That's how we do it now, right?

Le Buzz

Buzz Burbank News and Comment:

Stop Being Scared

This is the "water landing" - that cutesy euphemism the cabin crew safety lady uses so we don't go totally berserk thinking about crashing into the sea.

The plane is filling with water. We need to stop sitting there crying about it, and start getting ourselves organized and helping each other survive this shit.

Bob Cesca, with Jody Hamilton and David Ferguson:

The saving grace - if there is one - is that Cult45 uses their bully pulpit to make grandiose threats that aren't really doable. But they do that shit because the rubes won't stop to think about what a stoopid idea it is - they'll just go along with it, and then slide right into Sullen Mopey Teenager Mode when they learn that it's not allowed under the law.

One thing: when a Democrat is making a good case against the Daddy State assholes, we have to resist the urge to bitch about their style.

Nobody gets more frustrated than I do when the Dems come off as less that assertive, but I'm learning that we need to focus on more fully supporting them when they're standing up and trashing the Repubs.

And / Or / But remember:

  1. There
  2. are
  3. no
  4. simple
  5. 10-word
  6. explanations
  7. for
  8. the
  9. important
  10. stuff.

Sam Kicks It

Samantha Bee

Today's Tweet


Mar 28, 2019

Heavens To Betsy

Your budget is a statement of your values. What do you prioritize? What things do you promote over other things? What is it you value most?