From Raw Story:
This is currently what the POTUS section of the Minnesota 2016 ballot looks like:
This is currently what the POTUS section of the Minnesota 2016 ballot looks like:
You may have noticed that the name of one Donald Trump is missing. This seems to be due to the Trump folk not having a firm grip on the rules in Minnesota, and so they've neglected to fulfill a small technicality ie: nominating Alternate Electors. Which, apparently isn't really odd or different since almost every state has pretty much the same rules.
On the first pass, I'm like - this bunch could fuck up a 2-car parade. Are these really the people we want running the joint?
But then again, given all the weird shit that's been going on, I can't be sure this isn't a deal where the Minnesota GOP is looking to fuck Trump over. Or maybe it's Trump doing a very Trump-ey thing by trying to make sure his claims of "rigged election" have some plausibility.
But then again (again), it could be more strong evidence that the GOP is just hopelessly fucked up altogether - Trump tho't Minnesota GOP had it covered, who tho't Reince Priebus had it covered, who tho't, "Fuck this - I'm just gonna stay drunk for a coupla months".