Oct 21, 2016

Hometown Hero


Up In The Rigging

With polls showing Donald Trump hurtling toward a landslide loss to Hillary Clinton, the Republican presidential nominee is already calling for a do-over. Whether it’s to save face or to set the stage for a post-election media play, Trump has effectively stopped talking about any policy issues, instead focusing his fire on the “rigged” electoral system itself. It is a message he reiterated Wednesday night during the final presidential debate, when he refused to say whether he’d accept the results of the election if he loses. “I will keep you in suspense,” he said.
A growing number of concerned Republicans are standing up and speaking out.
Among them is Chris Ashby, a lawyer specializing in election law, who has monitored elections in the United States for over 15 years. “The election is not rigged. In fact, it’s anti-rigged,” Ashby wrote in an article and in a series of tweets that went viral earlier this week. “To rig an election, you would need technological capabilities that exist only in Mission Impossible movies,” he explained—and implying otherwise risks damaging Americans’ faith in the electoral system.
We called Ashby up to walk us through why Trump’s “rigged election” rhetoric is wrong, and how it could continue to resonate beyond November 8.

Today's Tweet

I hate it and love it all at the same time.

Oct 20, 2016

Now Ya Done It

Ya done went'n made Keith mad's all ya done.

Today's Tweet

Oct 19, 2016

A Vine To Start Your Morning

The Blue Falcon

Go ahead - tell any one of these tigers she's wrong.  I'll hold her coat while she fucks you up - I just wanna watch.

Make It Count

2016 Sample Ballot for Albemarle County in Virginia:

A note on the "Whatever" thing - we can carve out an exemption in the Tax Code for this. There's no need for an amendment to the state constitution - this always looks like more GOP grandstanding. That said - whatever.

Google your state's Sec'y of State, or your party's local office, or the Voter Registration Office for your county.

Be ready to vote your interests, and don't get fooled - this is politics, which can make people do some shitty things. Read it. Understand it. Do your best.

Watch This Space

Your pre-debate tailgate with Keith:

On Voter Fraud

About that whole Voter Fraud bullshit: if we can't trust the results of the election, how do we know for sure if Trump "wins"?  

Goose-n-Gander, motherfucker.  Maybe we should just freeze it where it is and stick with Obama for a while longer.

Today's Pix

Click a pic

Oct 18, 2016

Colbert Explains It All

I do wish the networks could just get over it with all the censoring shit though. 

A Chart

It happens almost every time.  "Conventional wisdom" has it that the "liberal bias" is working against the noble "conservatives" and they never get a break because of course - Hillary's buddies own all the media and they'd never say anything bad about her.

But they talk shit about her all the time because fuck if I know.  False flag?

Today's Keith