Dec 15, 2016

In Putin's Image

From Bloomberg:
Donald Trump is building a cabinet in his own image. The first billionaire U.S. president has appointed two billionaires and at least nine millionaires, with a combined net worth of about $5.6 billion, to run government departments. Two appointees to cabinet or cabinet-level positions are former generals. And fewer than half have any prior government experience. Many of Trump's nominees have close ties to Wall Street and corporate America. Altogether, his cabinet is shaping up to look a lot different from his predecessors.
The expansive corporate connections, collective wealth and varied policy goals of Trump's cabinet-level picks say a lot about the priorities set to shape his administration. Here are Trump's cabinet nominees so far, in order of their succession to the presidency.
It's interesting - Trump's picks for the various Business Units of the Federal Government are all high-roller CEO types, and his picks for Law Enforcement and National Security are all hardass authoritarian enforcer types. 

So I guess we're seeing the implementation of what the Leftie Loonies have been saying all along - The US is a Private Enterprise Operation with a Militarized Police Force and Nuclear Weapons.

USAmerica Incorporated.

Today's Tweet

Dec 14, 2016

Keith Again

"Compromise" is among my favorite words.


Today's Chart

The presence of confirming evidence
the absence of conflicting evidence
yields a higher probability for truth
The absence of confirming evidence 
the presence of conflicting evidence requires continued skepticism and further review

Today's Tweet

Happy Or Not Or Whatever

One from several years ago.

Dec 13, 2016

Call 'Em Out

When you notice something wrong in the way the Press Poodles are behaving - like normalizing Trump's shit, Both Sides, etc:

AP: 212-621-1500

ABC: 212-456-7777

CBS: 212-975-4321

CNN: 434-827-1500

NBC/MSNBC: 212-664-4444

NPR: 202-513-2000

NTY: 212-556-1234

NTY DC: 202-862-0300

WaPo: 202-334-7410

WSJ: 212-416-2000

Today's Word

Welcome To The Trump Era

All that is not profitable is prohibited.

All that is not prohibited is mandatory.


It's one guy - and it's CNN - but there seems to be an increasing amount of smoke.

Today's Tweet

You wanted gubmint to run like a bidness - well, here it comes.

Today's Pix

Dec 12, 2016


Because if we're conditioned to believe made up bullshit to start with, we're a lot easier to manipulate in new and exciting ways.