Jan 7, 2017

Today's Tweet

Today's Pix

Today's Podcast

A highlight: 
At about 43:00, BlueGal reviews an article on Healthcare spending that has just about everything I need to know about Consumer Behavior. ie: in an effort to get people to be more thoughtful and circumspect in how they spend their healthcare dollar, a company raised their deductible (so people had "skin in the game" I assume). But instead of shopping around for better doctors and/or better deals, people just cut back on going to their doctors - eg: they stopped getting the colonoscopies that prevent ass cancer because they didn't go to their doctors for regular checkups so they weren't properly informed and reminded. etc etc etc.

And Bible Bitch is pretty good again this week.

Jan 6, 2017

Today's Quote

This applies to not a few revolutionaries and militarists and other apostles of violence. They are actuated, usually without their knowledge, by hatred; the destruction of what they hate is their real purpose, and they are comparatively indifferent to the question of what is to come after it.
--Bertrand Russell

Today's Tweet

Somethin' wrong with that guy.

Jan 5, 2017

Late Breaking Keith

Oh, I Get It Now

From Crooks & Liars - Blue Gal (Frances Langum)

That's an awful big buncha smoke for no fire.

More Lying Numbers

  • Clinton got 2.8 Million votes more than Trump, but Trump's the new Prez.
  • In races for the House, Repubs got 49% of the votes and 55% of the seats.
  • In the Senate, the GOP owns a "majority" even though the Dems got 23 Million more votes.
Somethin' ain't right.

The GOP Plan

Coming soon to an America near you.

Cuz I can. Cuz you can't stop me. Cuz if you stop me, I'll find another way to fuck you over. 

Cuz that's how we do things now.

I get to do whatever you can't force me to stop doing.

Cuz fuck you, that's why.


Mitch McConnell says "the American people won't tolerate obstruction...".  

Now, I'm not completely stoopid (kinda, sometimes, but not completely), and while my memory isn't all that photographic, I'm not a fucking goldfish either, so my first reaction is "The fuck I won't".

But it's good to remember also that when a Repub says "the American people", he's referring to the 23% of the GOP crazies that make up the Radical Right - people he can count on to show up whenever he whistles.

So we gotta push back - loudly and publicly - it's important to let our "leaders" know what we think, and one quick and easy delivery system for that feedback is to tweet at them.  So here's an infographic listing all the Twitter handles of the US Senators sitting on the Judiciary Committee.

Hammer 'em.


Jan 4, 2017

Today's Podcast

It's A Wonderment

It seems like the GOP has grown more and more sour on the CIA ever since they helped the black guy kill Osama bin Laden.

hat tip = @TeaPainUSA

Those Lying Numbers

People voted for either Dems or Other over the Repubs by a margin of nearly 2 million, but somehow the GOP maintained their hold on the majority.

Vote Caging-by-Gerrymandering, plus outright Suppression.

How long do we put up with this shit?

We'll See

Time Magazine Online:
According to a Gallup poll released Monday, Americans have significantly less faith in Trump than they had in his predecessors. Only 44% said they are confident Trump will avoid major scandals in his Administration, 46% said they are confident in Trump’s ability to handle an international crisis, and 47% said they trust him to use military force wisely. When the same questions were asked at the start of Barack Obama’s, George W. Bush’s and Bill Clinton’s terms, roughly three-quarters of Americans said they had confidence in the newly elected President in these areas.
When compared with Gallup’s averages of confidence polling in his predecessors, Trump comes up short: he has a 32-point confidence deficit in his ability to avoid scandals in his Administration, a 29-point deficit in his ability to use military force well and a 28-point deficit in his ability to manage the Executive Branch. Most Americans (60%) believe Trump will be able to get things done with Congress, but even there he comes up far behind his predecessors — the average number of Americans with confidence in Obama, Bush and Clinton to work with Congress was 82%.
The main thing (for me), is that Trump has benefited greatly from Low Expectations. And that's become kind of a standard play with the GOP in the last 25 years or so - The Empty Vessel; the guy with no experience and no practical know-how or training; coming in to do a job that he's woefully unprepared to do.  

We've become so dis-enamored with politicians that we've gone completely the opposite direction, arriving at a point where we've adopted a straight-up contradiction as our guiding principle:

Anybody with the right qualifications for the job is obviously unqualified.

That weird sound you hear is Ayn Rand doing a series of over-exaggerated zombie face palms.

Jan 3, 2017

Today's Tweet

It's a short piece with not much new, but that's the point: the corruption doesn't become thoroughly normalized and embedded until we get bored with hearing about it, so the one thing we can't allow ourselves is to get used to it - to accept official corruption as an everyday thing.
A person who travels in Palm Beach society circles said that tickets to the party were being sold for $525 each for members and $575 each for guests.
Trump’s transition team declined to comment on the ticket prices.
Incoming White House Director of Strategic Communications Hope Hicks rejected criticisms that Mar-a-Lago was selling access to the president-elect.
“The transition is not concerned about the appearance of a conflict,” she said.
“This is an annual celebratory event at the private club, like others that have continued to occur since the election. Additionally, the president cannot and does not have a conflict.”

Yes - I know - it's a corrupt system that was pretty fucked up way before this most recent election.

And yes - I know - that's the general theme of the 2016 election, because it seems enough of us got fooled into thinking Donald Trump is somehow the GOP version of FDR, and they actually voted in favor of Kleptocratic Kakistocracy, and now a guy who's possibly the most corrupt asshole in the history of corrupt assholes will be sworn in as POTUS on the 20th of this month.

And yes - of course - let's be sure to throw in some bullshit about "Both Sides"...

  • and "The Evil Duopoly"
  • and what a lousy candidate Hillary was
  • and how stoopidly inept the DNC is (even tho' it's also all-powerful and able to dictate the results for any given candidacy)
  • and how the Dems just can't figure out how to blah blah fucking blah (see fucked up corrupt system above)
  • and, "we was robbed!"
  • and don't forget, "Bernie! If only Bernie!".

We all have our pet reasons for voting for a certain candidate, and we all have our pet reasons for voting against the others, and we all have our pet reasons for what went wrong when it it doesn't turn out the way we want.

Remember though that it comes down to having to put together a coalition of 60-70 million voters. When it works, you have a shitload of reasons it worked. And when it doesn't work, you have a shitload of reasons it didn't work.

So nurse your grudges and pick at each other all ya want, but don't bring that shit to me. We have to stop preaching at each other about it now and get back to work. We have dragons to slay and villages to rescue.

Meet The New Boss

Jan 2, 2017

Today's Quote

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor, and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.

hat tip = FB friend Doug R

Today's Pix

Jan 1, 2017

Today's Tweet

When the main subject of "the news" is "the news", we've gone beyond the reach of even the most sophisticated and sardonic irony.

This has to be a strong indication that we've been running in tighter and tighter circles for so long that we are now ready to complete the process of political evolution by disappearing up our own assholes (Allan Sherman --The Rape Of The A*P*E).