Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dumb Fux News

For a long time (and for a big bunch of people) it was kinda hip and fashionable to be in line with "conservatism" and to go along with pretty much whatever they heard on Dumb Fux News and Rodeo Clown Radio.  Maybe that really is changing now.  And maybe that's what has the political establishment so freaked out.

From last night's The Simpsons episode (except for the open it's not very good, but you can watch it at

Campaign Optics

This is awful and low-down and disgusting - so that's why I have to do it.  Maybe my internal governor has slipped a notch or two; maybe I'm actually as cynical as some people tell me I am.  Whatever.  I think Sarah Palin continues to drag her kids onto the stage for cold and calculated reasons.  One is that she gets the benefits (ie: points for being Mama Grizzly - showing her "Pro-Family" bona fides etc).  BTW, how come the rubes NEVER get wise to  being manipulated into thinking that somewhere there's a politician who's actually Anti-Family?  Sorry - little side trip there.

Here's the awful, low-down and disgusting thing I wanted to say:
Aside from exploiting Trigg for purposes of reminding the rubes of her status as Uber-Parent, it wouldn't surprise me to find out she thinks it makes her look smart by comparison.

So as awful and low-down and disgusting as it may be for me to say it, that's how awful and low-down and disgusting I think Palin actually is.

Voting Is Sexy

It would be exceedingly interesting to see this on American TV during the run-up to election day. Politics can certainly stir one's passion, but I think Spain's Green Coalition leader, Joan Hererra put it best, saying it would be "very difficult to reach orgasm voting for any of the candidates, myself included."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Security Theater

Previously, I posted a thought that I might do a little passive resistance to TSA bullying by insisting on having a woman do my pat-down.

Here's another suggestion.  When the agent gets to this position - fart.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Security Theater

I really hope this continues to get even more interesting. I want very much for this to be "the tipping point", but I'm afraid we'll bitch about it (while it's hip and popular to bitch about it) for the standard four or five days, and then just learn to live with it. And it'll pass into being just one more thing the historians will include in the many reasons the USA finally broke down and took its place among all the other failed empires.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Airport "Security"

Rightly rebranded "Security Theater".  I wonder how much Mike Chertoff is making from the contracts he's able to influence.  Now that he's done with the "public service" part of his career, he can safely get stinkin' rich by siphoning off a nice pile of taxpayer dollars - knowing that while there's still a real threat of terrorist attack, it's minuscule compared with the amount of money we're throwing at it.

Here's my suggestion:  You can opt out of the body scan, but by doing that, you automatically draw the pat down.  So my idea is that you could insist on a hetero-pat-down.  After all, how do I know the TSA guy isn't gay?  How do I know he isn't getting some kind of a cheap fantasy thrill from coppin' a feel off a stranger's junk?  If somebody has to rub up against my tender bits, I have to insist on having a woman do it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Close Encounters

...of the police state kind.

9/11 changed everything, because our reactions to the terror of that day have created the conditions necessary for the petty tyrants to be handed power.

Here's a blogger describing the events at an airport in San Diego.

I wonder how many of us have to be abused before we find the courage to insist that we be allowed to take the risks of living in freedom again.