Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Industrial Food Image Bureau

This one ran on the front end of a music video I was trying to watch:

And I just had to go to the website (, where I found this:

I've been "on the web" in one way or another since the late 80s, and I think this is the first time I've ever come across a pop-up kinda ad that I've actually clicked on.  I guess Google's gonna get all of us eventually.

Today's Regional Dialect Study

Take the quiz and find out:
a) you're from X, or at least that's how you sound
b) you're adaptable
c) you're a fuckin' poseur
NYT Sunday Review

(hat tip = FB friends SS and SFB)

The Jig Is Up, Repubs

When Jon Stewart goes this far away from his usual centrist perch, something might be changing in a way that feels kinda significant.

(hat tip = FB friend VWE)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Yo - Gun Freaks

Meet one of your fellow travelers:

Another "responsible gun owner" who doesn't even know enough to keep his finger outside the trigger guard.  Unless you guys get a handle on this kinda shit - rapidly - these idiots are gonna ruin the party for all y'all.

A Few Toons

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Today's Pix

Today's Douchebaggery

Via HuffPo:
Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) got in a reporter's face and threatened him after President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night.
During an interview with NY1 after Obama's speech, Grimm refused to answer questions about allegations concerning his campaign finances. Grimm can be seen in the video walking away from the reporter, but returning and getting in the reporter's face after he went off air.
From CNN:

Quick Aside to the CNN Anchor Blonde:  "...don't let it happen on camera, if you're gonna let it happen at all".  Really?  That's your take-away?  You guys say shit like that and then you wonder why your numbers are spreading into the leach field?

Quick Aside for the NY1 reporter guy, Michael Scotto:  Yo, Mike - ya gotta stay on camera even when you're afraid you're about to take a whuppin'.  I know it goes against your survival instincts, but if we get to see you cowering a little - or even better, gettin' yer ass kicked by some Congress Goon - it makes for great television.  Cuz never forget: if it bleeds, it leads.  Could make ya a star.  But really, ya done awrite, bubba.

Anyway, this is Grimm's "statement" to HuffPo afterwards:
I was extremely annoyed because I was doing NY1 a favor by rushing to do their interview first in lieu of several other requests. The reporter knew that I was in a hurry and was only there to comment on the State of the Union, but insisted on taking a disrespectful and cheap shot at the end of the interview, because I did not have time to speak off-topic. I verbally took the reporter to task and told him off, because I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect, especially when I go out of my way to do that reporter a favor. I doubt that I am the first Member of Congress to tell off a reporter, and I am sure I won’t be the last.
So ya see, he was doing NY1 a favor by graciously deigning to cast a few pearls before the swine.  But then that bad ol' reporter just had to go and ruin a beautiful moment by trying to ask a buncha uppity questions about how maybe the guy's a fuckin' crook.

For future reference, Mr Grimm - you just lost all your Bitchin' Privileges when it comes to the GOP's standard Blabber Point of "America's sense of entitlement".

One last thing - Grimm didn't "tell off a reporter" - he threatened that reporter with grievous bodily harm because the reporter tried to do what we desperately need reporters to do.  Scotto was pretty gracious about it - saying he didn't take it seriously - but let's not be silly enough to think a tin-plated martinet like Michael Grimm wouldn't love to do exactly what he threatened to do.

Watch your 6, guys.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why We Fight

The Lt Governor in Texas is the guy who runs things - at least that's how the Repubs do it.

C'mon now, you don't really think guys like Lil Shrub Bush and Rick (Trigger Dick) Perry are actually capable of managing anything other than a high school car wash do ya?

Anyway, meet the braintrust of the Texas GOP.  These guys are the cream of the Repub crop:

It's all such standard patter now.  And I have to give 'em a point or two just for being able to recite it all, especially since each one says almost exactly the same thing while saying it with enough variation to make the rubes think they're listening to differing views on the subject.  So even tho' it all sounded the same to me, I'll bet shekels to shitballs there's a large pile of Texas Conservatives whoopin' it up over what a nice diverse buncha guys they've got to pick from.

I don't know much about the Dems, but you can take a look at 'em here.

On Second Thought

And here's a picture of all the fucks I give about anything Sean Hannity has to say:

Monday, January 27, 2014

A New Way Of Doing The Same Old Thing

...which is to say, "Fuckin' us over".

From truthout:
Here's food for thought: Fast-tracking could become the model for a new and profoundly subversive model of governance – one in which elected government becomes little more than an afterthought to corporate-backed deal-making. It's not hard to imagine a dystopian future where this becomes the norm.
In the right hands it might make a good science-fiction novel: a world in which individual governments, treaty organizations and even the United Nations have been replaced by a new governing body comprised entirely of corporate representatives. Think of it as a World Financial Parliament or a Global House of Corporate Lords, where the only "voting" the rest of us do happens when we watch a movie, play a video game, or take a prescription medication.
And even when we do, we don't really have much of a choice at all.
Back in the 90s, I tho't NAFTA was a great idea.  I was wrong.  See how that works?  You take a look at the effects of a given policy after it's been in place for a while, and you learn a little something about how maybe we shouldn't have done what we did, and then you do that most horriblest thing that anybody could possibly do - ya change your mind.

ed note:  it grates on my soul to think I agree with Ross Perot, but hey - even a blind hog roots up an acorn now and again.

Free trade is great.  Free trade is a good way to break down some really stupid artificial barriers and get people to work together instead of blowin' shit up.  Unfortunately, if that free trade isn't fair trade, and it ends up slamming millions of rock-solid Americans so hard they practically drop out of the labor pool completely, then it's just a matter of time before people get hip to these tricks, and we're right back to blowin' shit up again anyway.

Things like TPP and KeystoneXL are great deals for (almost literally) a handful of people who don't feel the need to wash their hands before they pee.  But it's a really lousy deal for anybody who actually works for a living, and for whoever thinks we should figure these things out together instead of leaving it up to a few guys in $800 suits.

Call your Congress Critter.