Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Lettin' It Get Ugly

It's important to remember that correlation is not proof - it doesn't necessarily mean that one part of the correlation is the cause of the other part(s).

Keep that in mind.

Another dubious first for America: We now employ as many private security guards as high school teachers — over one million of them, or nearly double their number in 1980.
And that’s just a small fraction of what we call “guard labor.” In addition to private security guards, that means police officers, members of the armed forces, prison and court officials, civilian employees of the military, and those producing weapons: a total of 5.2 million workers in 2011. That is a far larger number than we have of teachers at all levels.
What is happening in America today is both unprecedented in our history, and virtually unique among Western democratic nations. The share of our labor force devoted to guard labor has risen fivefold since 1890 — a year when, in case you were wondering, the homicide rate was much higher than today.
5.2 million of us - it means that more than 1.5% of our total population is fully engaged in "protecting" the wealth of some Americans from other Americans.

It Isn't Ending Well

I'll have to listen to this a few more times to get it all, but I have some serious doubts that my mood will improve.

We have a capitol building chock-full of people who're really good at getting elected, fucking with each other, and practically nothing else.
With the economy in free fall, Obey met with his Republican counterpart Jerry Lewis of California to start writing a bill.
“And Jerry just grinned and said ‘Dave, I’m sorry, but we’ve got orders from headquarters, we can’t play, we can’t play,’” Obey recalls. “He said it twice.”
Whatever Republicans thought privately – some of them told Obey they agreed that Congress needed to pass a stimulus bill – they weren’t going to publicly help the new president help the economy.
But that wasn’t the scariest thing, Obey says. He realized many fellow House members – Democrats and Republicans – simply lacked a sophisticated understanding of the economy and government spending policy.
“One of the problems that you have today, is that a lot of members of Congress just don’t know a hell of a lot anymore,” Obey says.
We are so fucked. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Seems A Little Silly

...but sometimes ya gotta beat the horse even after it's dead(?)  I honestly don't know what else to say about it.  Climate Change (most probably due to AGW) is a real thing, and somehow, we still have a substantial percentage of people who just can't bring themselves to recognize it.

I refuse to give Marsha Blackburn any time on my little blog here; and I sure as fuck hate even acknowledging a preening fluffer like David Gregory; so I'll just give ya'll this little bit:

Something Else

...that'll prob'ly never happen.  But hey - we can dream.

Take a good look at Alexis Goldstein

Cosmo Strikes Out

This appeared on Cosmo's Facebook page, and reaffirms what most of us have known for a while about dumfuk magazines "for women".

(paraphrasing a favorite comment):
Dear Cosmo -
Kindly take your ridiculous, arbitrary dictates of what women should want to look like and shove 'em back up your ass.

Every guy on the planet who's had to spend hours reassuring a wife, girlfriend or daughter (ie: any real-world-perfect-for-me woman) that she's not fat and grotesque, all because assholes like you insist on undermining her confidence by playing on her fears just so you can sell her a load of shit she doesn't need in the first fucking place.

It's An Act Of God

God makes a gi-normous fucking mess, and everybody else gets to clean it up.  Is that why so many "conservatives" claim god as one of their own?

So basically - god's that one dickhead you don't invite back for the next party(?)  I can dig it.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Following Up

I keep hoping the nonsense about "dangerous vaccinations" has receded enough to get  people back to reality, but every so often, one of my Facebook buddies just has to post some bullshit that re-amps the fear.

YouTuber potholer54:

This potholer guy does some good work.  Here's his takedown on Ken Hamm:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love Is The Answer

Some mid-winter tunes - reaching for softer breezes and milder climes.

Crystal Blue Persuasion --Tommy James and the Shondells

Samba Pa Ti --Santana

Moon Dance --Van Morrison

The Day After

We always get some kind of post-game shit, so what the hell:

Today's Pix