Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, February 03, 2017

Well Now

It seems we've been invaded by an armed force from Dumfuckistan.

And to be clear, guys - this is illegal.  What we really really REALLY can't have is a CinC who cultivates and propagates a personal constituency within the military.

Black History Month 3 of 7

From Atlanta Black Star - 7 Lies Taught In American Schools

Downplaying Slavery’s Cruelty

These are the words contained in a textbook called United States History for Christian Schools, second ed., published by Bob Jones University Press in 1991: “A few slave holders were undeniably cruel. Examples of slaves beaten to death were not common, neither were they unknown. The majority of slave holders treated their slaves well.” As noted by historian Edward Baptist, large numbers of enslaved Black people were killed during slavery.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Today's Nature Tip

How to tell the difference between a black bear and a grizzly bear:

Climb a tree. 

If the bear climbs the tree and eats you, it's a black bear.

If the bear knocks the tree down and eats you, it's a grizzly.

An Ad


At the very end, after he's off camera, "...waste of my fuckin' time" is clearly audible.

So we don't know for sure it was Ryan who said it, and we certainly don't know what exactly he thinks is a waste of time. The issue of the ban? The ban itself?  The distractions coming from the Trump While House? A press conference in itself?

Or are we seeing the normal inter-branch friction getting to a point where's it's making it very much more difficult for Ryan to do the shitty things we're all sure he's itchin' to do?

I guess I'm wondering mostly about whether or not the Press Poodles will follow up and ask him for clarification.

And it might be really interesting to ask Trump and/or Spicer about it too.

Oh, and BTW, here's today's anagram:

Sean Spicer = Scare Penis

Today's GIF

Beware Of Images

Today's Tweet


It's a ban.  It's a swipe against Islam.  And it has a purpose.

Today's Pix