Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

That Purity Thing

I've never really understood the apparent need for some people to think of themselves as some kind of Pure Bred critter.

It's possible that the Out Of Africa thing isn't quite as accurate as they thought, but we do know for an almost absolute fact that we all share common ancestry in one form or another. And when it's proven that an awful lot of us have that Neanderthal strain as well, there's just no way to make the case for anything as deliberately ignorant as Racial Purity.

Quick Reminder

45*'s been in office for a little over 5 months, and he's spent more than 20% of that time - a full month - at one golf club or another.

And we don't really have to talk about the tax dollars he's pouring into his own pockets because of it, do we?

About That Independence Thing

The big one for me is - we don't know that 45* won't pipe this info directly to the Kremlin, which is pretty much an invitation for the Russian Mob to fuck us over - again.


Maryland, Delaware and Louisiana on Monday joined a growing number of U.S. states that have refused to hand over voter data to a commission established by President Donald Trump to investigate possible voting fraud.

And actually, now that 20 Govs and AGs have declined 45*'s bullshit request, it's starting to  sound something like this: You can take a flyin' fuck at a rollin' donut, dipwad.

The push-back is gaining momentum.

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Today's Today

Drink beer. Blow shit up.
We're Americans - it's what we do.

Why would we celebrate any other way?

Monday, July 03, 2017

Something About Procedure

When your very unpopular Obamacare Repeal bill is bound to lose, there's no space between losing by 1 vote and losing by 95 votes.

Cuz once they know it's a loser, your own guys understand they'll gain more than they'll lose by voting against the thing.

We've known Ryan isn't very good at his job for a while, but until now, everybody's been telling us what a fucking wizard McConnell is - not any more. Not with this anvil chained to his leg.

A lot of normal people (ie: rubes) have been absolutely sure that the blustery rhetoric was just for show. All they wanted was for somebody to "go on up there to Washington and poke them ruling elites in the eye once or twice" and blah blah blah.

It'd be nice to think maybe now they'll start to see how real the consequences can be - especially when a few too many of these TeaBagger congress critters have their heads so far up their asses, even if they manage to open their eyes, it's no longer possible for them to see anything but their own shit.

This animal is badly wounded now.

Times Change

...except when they don't.

This takes a while and it's not the greatest thing anybody ever put on, but there're great recurring themes - as in: History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure as fuck rhymes.

John Oliver

Again - comedy shows on cable TV are doing a better job of covering real problems than any of the "real" news shows anywhere else.

And just to keep it out there - notice how Boris Epshteyn looks and sounds like one of those old Soviet guys from the late 80s who spent way too much time and energy trying way too hard not to look and sound like one of those old Soviet guys in the late 80s.

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