Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, August 31, 2018

More Nancy McClean

Nancy McClean in Santa Fe - March 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Holy Fuck

"...afraid of an alert informed activated majority..."

I don't know how to embed this, so just go to Bob Cesca's Patreon page and listen - or download.

Do it. This is more important than most anything else you'll do for a long long time.

Buy this book right fucking now:

New Product

A gaming chair - available at fine retail outlets everywhere from $129.99.

And for whatever it's worth now, here's Dennis Miller being prophetic, from a bit way back in the 90s - when he was still pretty funny, having not yet turned into the whiny-butt pussy "conservative" he is now. Bless his heart.

Today's Tweet

I was unaware of "Shared Omnipotence".  The intertoobz is awesome.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Today's Birthday

Dinah Washington:

I Choose To Be Encouraged

From Pew Research, on July's primaries:

Still waiting on the numbers from last night.

Today's Bluff-N-Bluster

Because he's a small man, 45* behaves like a small man.

Shane Harris & Josh Dawsey, WaPo:

The White House reaffirmed Tuesday that former CIA director John Brennan has been stripped of his security clearance, after Brennan said earlier he has yet to receive formal notice about the matter.

“The President’s order went into effect immediately, and Mr. Brennan no longer has access to classified information,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said.

Earlier this month, President Trump announced in a statement read by his press secretary that he had revoked Brennan’s clearance, citing Brennan’s criticism of the administration and alleging that he had abused his position.

Paperwork to formally revoke the clearance has been “delayed,” a senior White House official said, without offering any explanation.

- and -

The White House was prompted to clarify the status of Brennan’s clearance after he appeared on television earlier in the day and said he was still unclear about his status. As a former CIA director, Brennan was allowed to keep a clearance in case current agency leaders want to consult him on classified matters or seek his advice.

“The only thing I’ve heard about my security clearance from the government is when [White House press secretary] Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at the podium that my clearance had been stripped,” Brennan said on MSNBC, where he is a national security analyst. “I’ve not been contacted by anybody at all either before or since then. So whether or not my clearance has been stripped, I’m still uncertain about.”

One of the great things about "the deep state" is that there are people who know how to make the thing work the way it should - ie: doing the right thing - even tho' there are more than a few who're willing to do the wrong thing in service to power for the sake of power (ie: The Daddy State).

I've done more than my share of government bashing (sometimes warranted and sometimes not). How are we supposed to know what's going on when a part of the government's job is to make sure nobody knows what's actually going on? (Again - sometimes warranted and sometimes not).

Anyway, it's kinda interesting that a fair percentage of Berkenstock-Americans are adamantly defending the CIA and the FBI these days.

But this little dustup, while potentially very problematic, appears to be more of the same old bullshit TV drama that 45* pimps every fucking day.

And that right there is a big part of the dilemma that the Press Poodles have to contend with. They can't ignore Cult45, even tho' that's prob'ly what needs to happen.

A large and growing majority will be very glad to see these clowns dumped in the woods wearing nothing but their undies and thick layers of tar and feathers.

Let's Review

Examine almost any "argument" from almost any Republican, and there's a better than even chance you're going to find a logical fallacy.

Listen to 45* - notice how often he prefaces the stoopid shit that falls out of his face with "Many people are saying".

Or when practically any given "conservative" tries to make his case by starting with "the American people want / believe / are with me...".

The Bandwagon Fallacy (aka: Appeal To Popularity) is what an awful lot of these clowns think of as a bedrock principle. Their position is the right one because everybody says so.

(Try to remember these 2 things. 1: The Ford Pinto was once the most popular car in America. And 2: Those nice fat sales numbers didn't keep the gas tanks from exploding)

Here's the one our "Christian" friends love to use:

...which ties in nicely with:

...and way too often leads right into:


A sub-heading under Tu Quoque is False Equivalence (aka: What-About-ism)

One of the big ones is:

The Anecdotal Fallacy is enshrined forever in The Myth Of The Welfare Queen. The new iteration shows up all the time now in the crap about "Illegal Immigrants Are Murdering White Girls".

It goes on and on and on.

Get 'em all: Your Logical Fallacy Is

Or: Information Is Beautiful

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Driftglass Reminds

"Everybody in the whole world is fucked up except you and me - and I'm beginning to wonder about you."

Referencing The Power Of Nightmares is always a treat.


Or, as one low-born, bootless blabbermouth once said about Mr. Greenwald's Purity Cult back when daring to say such things in public would get your Liberal card revoked and your readership cut by 1/3...
...once purity itself becomes all you care about -- once  it becomes a distillery race to see who can get to 100% -the chicken farmers are never far behind:
The main Islamist group in Algeria, the GIA, ended up being led by a Mr. Zouabri, a chicken farmer, who killed everyone who disagreed with him. He issued a final communiqué, declaring that the whole of Algerian society should be killed, with the exception of his tiny remaining band of Islamists. They were the only ones who understood the truth.
And from my perspective, do you know what the saddest sentence in the entire New Yorker article is?

It's this:

 Leading American progressives -- speaking off the record, and apologizing for what they describe as cowardice -- call Greenwald a bully and a troll.
So everybody knew, but nobody said anything, because all the clever dogs on the inside decided to play it safe and lay back in the cut rather than risk the wrath of Spleenwald Horde.

Welly, well, well, well.

Sure doesn't sound much like "leading", especially to someone like me who was out there taking it in the teeth every day for saying true, important and unpopular things about Mr. Greenwald while my so-called allies chose to hide in the hedges and haystacks.

Here's the rest of the paragraph:

One told me that “he makes everything war.” The spouse of one of Greenwald’s friends visualizes him as the angry emoji. On Twitter, he has little use for agree-to-disagree courtesies, or humor: he presses on. More than one tweet has started with “No, you idiot.” He’ll tweet “Go fuck yourself” to a user with twenty or so followers. A few years ago, Greenwald had a Twitter disagreement with Imani Gandy, a legal journalist, who tweets as @AngryBlackLady; another Twitter user, in support of Greenwald, proposed to Gandy that “Obama could rape a nun live on NBC and you’d say we weren’t seeing what we were seeing.” Greenwald replied, “No -- she’d say it was justified & noble -- that he only did it to teach us about the evils of rape.”

Today's Pix