Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, October 08, 2018

Today's Tweet

A man seen as a possible danger to the Putin/Trump criminal nexus was killed in a helicopter crash recently - and it's being reported the pilot was found to have been shot, and that there was damage to a rotor blade caused by gunfire.

Now this:


"I wasn't in favor of rounding up brown people and putting their children in cages, but then I saw a liberal being rude on TV, so I'm here to vote the straight GOP ticket because now I think we should go ahead and kill them all - that'll show those Democrats."

Oh no - don't make 45*'s base mad - they'll turn out and vote, and it'll just get worse.

It's bullshit, even though it's not total bullshit. Getting mad in the face of your legitimate criticism is a predictable reaction of the abusive Daddy State asshole - time-honored, tried-n-true, and it's the first thing they do every fuckin' time outa the box. They do it because it works.

We may indeed feel fear because we've already seen some of what they're capable of doing - the utter depravity they seem to embrace as part of a political strategy.

Your fears are real. The danger is real. 45* has already been signaling the possibility that Americans will start to die some time after the midterms.

The point though is that we have to stand and face it anyway. Because the good news is that a fair bit of that red-faced spittle-flecked anger on the part of the MAGA rubes and Lord Commander Bone Spurs is bluff and bluster.

More than anything else, bullies need to see you cower. Take away the power of the threat - making them put up or shut up - and an awful lot of this bullshit just falls away.

Paraphrasing the little brown man in the funny clothes:
They may arrest me; fine me; take away my possessions. They may put me in prison; torture me, and beat me until they kill me. Then they will have my dead broken body - but they will never have my obedience.

Some bullies are just natural born dicks, always looking to blow things up and knock people down. But they're the exception. Most bullies operate under a false sense of righteousness, thinking they're being reluctant heroes. Challenge that mindset - just telling them they're wrong; that they were lied to - and they can become confused, and downright docile.

I've seen it. I've done it - on more than a couple of occasions. And I've not gotten my ass kicked.


Sunday, October 07, 2018

Today's Tweet

Read your Driftglass

- and -

"When a donkey flies, you don't blame him for not staying up that long."

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Friday, October 05, 2018


From your elders, courtesy

Because we've been counting on you to show up for quite a while now, but you never do.

Perverse And Pervasive

Mad Magazine has run a piece on the real shit that happens because of our national blind spot regarding guns.

hat tip = @dizwire

Today's Tweet

Because most of the people working "for him" know they're working for the office of the presidency and not for the phony fuck who currently occupies the position, but they're committed to serving this country as honorably as possible. So maybe they're winking at us - trying to send us a signal, "...and this ain't the half of it - you wouldn't believe some of the weird shit that goes on...".

Thursday, October 04, 2018

And Then It Clicked

Catching up with some of the video I've missed this week, I hit the 8:00 mark of John Oliver's post - "Fights on boats in Rhode Island" - and the connection snapped into place. Almost literally; like when you crash and you hear the pop of a ligament of the crunch sound of breaking bone.

I heard that snapping sound in my mind as I remembered the characterization of a guy named George Huguely - a lacrosse player at UVa who "accidentally" murdered his girlfriend, Yeardley Love in 2010.

Among the stories of Huguely's mercurial personality, there were stories of Huguely losing his temper - usually when he'd been drinking - screaming at people (his dad, or maybe step-dad in particular) while boating in Virginia and Maryland.

These prep school overprivileged legacy pukes need to be put to work picking up trash along the highways - not in positions of power where they are rewarded for their shitty little bullying behavior, and where they can be useful to a Daddy State by continuing that behavior.

It can't be surprising when a guy like 45* goes along with like-minded guys at The Federalist Society, and picks a guy like Kavanaugh.

Today's Pix

click 'em

Sportin' It Up

She plays like a girl. Yeah - in your wildest dreams you're not this good.