Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, April 27, 2020


2020 Stress Factor:
People locked down by themselves just want some company, while people locked down with others just wanna be left the fuck alone.

Lemme Just Say

...fuck John Bolton.

And fuck whoever lets him continue playing his stoopid little power games - never calling him on the bullshit he floats every time he opens his mouth.

Jeff Toobin gets most of it right, even though he bogs down a little, doing the lawyer thing where he concentrates on the law itself instead of the effects of the actions of the people who always think they have the right to fuck around with the law in order to get what they want at the expense of the greater good.

If there's no greater good being served by the law, then the law becomes a selective boutique serving only the interests of plutocrats.

And yes, you can argue that we have to test the law so we can tweak it, trying to make it work better. But that process itself gets hijacked on a regular basis, and we end up fighting about the wrong thing - we fight about whether or not someone has sufficient power to bend the law to his will, instead of addressing the fact that he broke the fucking law and he has to be held to account for it.

New Yorker:

During the impeachment investigation, John Bolton, President Trump’s onetime national-security adviser, played a cagey game with Congress. He dropped hints suggesting that he knew a great deal about the President’s dealings with Ukraine—information that would have been highly relevant to the investigation. He also had a big deal with Simon & Schuster for a tell-all about his time in the Trump Administration, and the book had a tantalizing title: “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir.” Bolton dodged testifying before either the House or the Senate, thus preserving his news-making disclosures for the book-buying public.

But Bolton may have outfoxed himself. Like anyone with access to classified information, he signed a prepublication-review agreement. Each government agency that allowed Bolton access to its information—and, in the case of a national-security adviser, that would have been virtually all of them—has the right to review his manuscript and to excise purportedly improper disclosures. Bolton left the government on bad terms with Trump, and it looks like the Administration may be taking revenge through the review process. Charles Cooper, Bolton’s lawyer, has already complained about how the Administration is delaying and revising Bolton’s book, and his publication date has already slipped from March to May. But there’s no guarantee that the review process will even be finished by May, either. (Cooper and a spokeswoman for Simon & Schuster declined to comment.)

Today's Randy

Randy Rainbow - A Spoonful Of Clorox

COVID-19 Update

Kinda of a glaring discrepancy in today's numbers.

At the Johns Hopkins site, the numbers indicate a pretty significant slowing, but the Worldometer numbers are higher, and show the thing running apace.

First and foremost, you have to consider the high probability of Operator Error on this stuff - it's plenty reasonable to doubt my perfection.

Second, when something looks too good to be true, one must assume there's a glitch somewhere. Check your input - there are no miracles. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Brenda Varda

Yes - 45* is that one drunken fuck at the end of the bar who's stuck in a foggy brain state where he knows he has nothing worthwhile to contribute, but he can't stand thinking he's the dumbest one in the bunch, and his need to be in on the whole thing overrides his safety mechanisms - so he just lets it rip - proving what everybody already knows, and what he's always so desperate to hide.

Ms Varda, if you please:

Today's Tweet

Truth is an art form.

The Big Breakthrough

Cult45 is pleased so announce that a new and exciting COVID-19 cure has been developed and will be available at a Walmart near you very soon.

There's also a DIY kit for all you rugged individualists.

Once Upon A Time a land quickly fading from our memory, there was a real president. But we grew stoopid and lazy, and 61,000,000 of us got snookered into believing that a guy who had never succeeded at anything but being a game show host was a good choice to lead the biggest baddest bestest country on Earth.

And here we are.

COVID-19 Update

Caution is advisable on this one, but for the first time since I started keeping track, the World Growth Rate For Cases is under the magic number 1 (0.97), which is down from 1.03 yesterday - a drop of almost 6%.

That could be significant in that it may indicate we're passing the inflection point, but it could just be a sign that we're reaching another plateau.

With the north heading into summer, and the south into winter, they're worried about the thing shifting back and forth between the hemispheres, continuing to fuck things up for as long as it takes to get the therapeutics &/or a vaccine in place.

Meantime, President Stoopid has decided not to do the daily "briefing".

He caught so much shit about his "ideas" on injecting disinfectant into patients that maybe he's finally reached his own little inflection point, and he's starting to realize that no matter what he says, he's not getting past this by throwing some weird smokey shit up in the air today in order to keep us from dwelling on the weird smokey shit he threw up in the air yesterday.

Saturday, April 25, 2020