Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, May 29, 2020

COVID-19 Update

We've kinda settled into a slow-n-steady growth rate of 1.01.


Slowing rates of infection in some of the hardest-hits part of the United States have offered a glimmer of hope, as New York City, once the country’s main coronavirus hot spot, announced plans Thursday to ease restrictions after 10 weeks under lockdown.

Yet as officials say a possible phased reopening there is likely to start next month, other parts of the nation and the world are bracing for the worst. Globally, the pandemic has shifted to Latin America and the Middle East, as the death toll — now more than 354,000 around the world — continues to rise. In the United States, where more than 100,000 of those fatalities have occurred, rural areas are reporting surges, too.

“Restarting won’t mean back to normal — we CAN’T rush back,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) wrote on Twitter. “We need to keep this virus in check.”

Here are some significant developments:

Thursday, May 28, 2020

COVID-19 In High Places

Richmond Time-Dispatch:

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., and his wife, Anne Holton, interim president of George Mason University, have tested positive for antibodies to the coronavirus, a blood test that indicated previous exposure to COVID-19.

Kaine said he and Holton decided to be tested for potential coronavirus exposure after both fell ill earlier this year. He said they tested positive for coronavirus antibodies this month.

"While those antibodies could make us less likely to be re-infected or infect others, there is still too much uncertainty over what protection antibodies may actually provide," he said. "So we will keep following CDC guidelines—hand-washing, mask wearing, social distancing. We encourage others to do so as well. It shows those around you that you care about them.”

And lowdown asshole Republicans continue to reveal themselves as lowdown Republican assholes.

Today's Tweet

The GOP is a death cult.

Today's GIF

I will not be silent.

COVID-19 Update

The growth rate remains north of 1.

We have to understand that the economies of scale - the tyranny of large numbers - has really started to kick in, so until we get some workable therapeutics &/or a vaccine, this is our reality.

We have a "president", and a few million rabid Cult45 devotees, who are desperate to hold onto some glorious mythical past, so we'll continue this ridiculously unnecessary suffering until reasonable people are back in charge of things.

Today's Joe

Because he's a normal, decent man.

Wouldn't it be nice to have someone in the White House again, who knows being kind is a strength that weak-ass morons like Trump will never even try to understand, much less aspire to.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Death In Minneapolis

Those 4 cops got fired with uncommon alacrity.

Maybe it's because the mayor is in knee-jerk mode ...

... and maybe it's because he knows there's a lot more to the story that's yet to come out.

Over to you, Justin King:

We can hope we're seeing one of those "Jesus-Fuck-Enough-Of-This-Racist-Cop-Shit-Already" moments.

Fresh And Hot

Sarah Cooper:

Known recently for her take on 45*'s weird ramblings:

COVID-19 Update

And here we are.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020