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Showing posts with label Red vs Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red vs Blue. Show all posts

Feb 11, 2020

What They're Up To

Judd Gregg on with Ari Melber

When Gregg says, "The country just isn't going to go with a socialist...", I think we can hear some of what the GOP is planning.

First, Ari shoulda pushed back on the "Bernie's a socialist" thing. There may well be a few "socialist" aspects to Bernie's philosophy, but I haven't heard him espousing anything that sounds like "the people must seize the means of production" - and that's kinda the big one.

Anyway -

The obvious part is that Cult45 want to run against Bernie. We've seen efforts from more than a couple of "conservatives" to push Republicans to vote for Bernie in the open primaries.

But I think it goes beyond the usual divide-n-conquer and scare-mongering they always use against "liberals" and anyone who shows signs of getting people together in order to resist the Daddy State. 

I think they have mountains of rat-fuckery shit they were planning to use against him if he'd pulled it off in 2016, and knowing the bellicose propensities of these clowns, I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude they're champin' at the bit, obsessing over the phrase that always haunts their subconscious: "An unused weapon is a useless weapon".

They've been running the same plays this time. They're tearing away at Biden - and the others too - but leaving Bernie more or less unscathed, except for a few potshots, and the usual needling of the anti-Bernie factions in the Dem coalition, which makes the Press Poodles salivate and put out the latest installment of "Democrats in disarray...".

If Biden gets the nomination, he goes into the general election wounded, and they can keep pimping the resentment and victimhood bullshit that the Bernie Bros stewed about the whole time in 2016, and are still muttering about.

If Bernie gets the nomination, they'll pull out every little piece of shit they've been stock-piling for the last 5 years, and you know it's gotta be pretty fuckin' awful.

(some of the shit I've seen, just with a little light browsing on 4chan and Gateway and Breitbart, is bad enough that I won't put it up here even with quotation marks and *s - it's bad - it's really fuckin' bad)

And actually, I think Gregg has probably had a bit of a firsthand look, and knows a little something about what they're planning, and what's likely to happen this time around no matter who the Dems nominate.

So I'll listen to the Never Trumpers, and the ex-Repub rat-fuckers, and the "conservative brain trust dweebs" but like Dick Nixon said: "Don't count on the fella who made the mess to clean it up."

Jul 18, 2019

Here It Comes, Kentucky

Looks like we might get a good one goin' in the Democratic primary to pick who'll have the privilege of trying to kick Moscow Mitch outa the US Senate.

Mike Broiher:

Amy McGrath:

And there's some reporting that says Charles Booker (State Rep) is considering jumping into it too.

Here's hoping for a candidate who stomps McConnell 'til there's nothin' left but a greasy spot on the rug.

Jan 26, 2018

The Buzz Man

You've heard it before, and here it is again:

Of all the wealth generated in the world last year, 82% of it went to the Top 1%.
None of it - NONE OF IT - went to the bottom 50%.

And there's a very good rundown of what's been happening in the Mueller investigation, and the bit about the use of bots and American social media.*

Buzz Burbank - News & Comment:

*BTW -

Why Fake News Targeted Trump Supporters - The Atlantic from last year.

(I think this guy's conclusions are a bit silly, because we know that moving even a low percentage of voters makes a huge difference)
Here's the study


Though some warnings about online “echo chambers” have been hyperbolic, tenden- cies toward selective exposure to politically congenial content are likely to extend to misinformation and to be exacerbated by social media platforms. We test this prediction using data on the factually dubious articles known as “fake news.” Using unique data combining survey responses with individual-level web tra c histories, we estimate that approximately 1 in 4 Americans visited a fake news website from October 7-November 14, 2016. Trump supporters visited the most fake news web- sites, which were overwhelmingly pro-Trump. However, fake news consumption was heavily concentrated among a small group — almost 6 in 10 visits to fake news web- sites came from the 10% of people with the most conservative online information diets. We also find that Facebook was a key vector of exposure to fake news and that fact-checks of fake news almost never reached its consumers.

Happy Friday!

Aug 14, 2017

Today's Told Ya So

From 2014 in PoliticusUSA:

During the protests against America’s involvement in the Viet Nam war, it became very popular for warmongers and so-called patriots to tell young men facing losing their lives in a worthless war and those protesting to save them that this is “America, love it or leave it.” The implication was that since Congress adhered to the Constitution in waging war, regardless the devastating consequences, the American people were obliged to either show their love of country and support the war or get out. There is a segment of the population today that hates America, its people, and the nation’s founding document, but instead of packing up and leaving the country, they have tasked Republicans to punish the entire population by legislating that all Americans suffer their lifestyle founded on poverty, bigotry, ill-health, and religious ignorance. Although there are Americans who hate this nation across the country, it is the former Confederacy that is punishing the people because they failed in their attempt to destroy America of their rejection of the United States Constitution they claim to love.

Southern states are still resentful they were unable to rip America apart because the Constitution forbade them from keeping dark-skinned human beings as livestock, so they spent the past 149 years punishing different groups of Americans based on their religion’s instruction manual (Christian bible). Over the past thirty years, angry southerners began electing Republicans to strip everything from the people until they relented to a government by bible that drove their attempt to restrict other Americans from their Constitutional freedoms. Republicans have happily accommodated southerners to bring down the rest of the nation to their level of poverty and distress that southern red state voters embrace so long as they have imaginary enemies who believe Americans deserve more than slave wages, sickness, dire poverty, prayer, and firearms.

Jun 4, 2017


The GOP has to be held to account on this.  They don't get to pretend they had nothing to do with what many of us knew would happen eventually.

Trump became all but inevitable by 1992 with Pat Buchanan's scary prime time tirade at the GOP convention in Houston.

Just a friendly reminder:
This didn't get all fucked up yesterday, and we won't be able to un-fuck it by tomorrow.

Stay focused
Work together
Get shit done

Mar 27, 2017


45* lies. A lot. Everybody knows that, and about 20% of us are still with him, while the rest of us are wondering what it's gonna take to peel the rubes away.

Prob'ly not likely to happen.

Scientific American, working out the differences between White Lies, Black Lies, and Blue Lies:

Blue lies are a different category altogether, simultaneously selfish and beneficial to others—but only to those who belong to your group. As University of Toronto psychologist Kang Lee explains, blue lies fall in between generous white lies and selfish “black” ones. “You can tell a blue lie against another group,” he says, which makes it simultaneously selfless and self-serving. “For example, you can lie about your team's cheating in a game, which is antisocial, but helps your team.”

- and -

Around the world, children grow up hearing stories of heroes who engage in deception and violence on behalf of their in-groups. In Star Wars, for example, Princess Leia lies about the location of the “secret rebel base.” In the Harry Potter novels (spoiler alert!), the entire life of double-agent Severus Snape is a lie, albeit a “blue” one, in the service of something bigger than himself.

That explains why most Americans seem to accept that our intelligence agencies lie in the interests of national security, and we laud our spies as heroes. From this perspective, blue lies are weapons in intergroup conflict. As Swedish philosopher Sissela Bok once said, “Deceit and violence—these are the two forms of deliberate assault on human beings.” Lying and bloodshed are often framed as crimes when committed inside a group—but as virtues in a state of war.

This research—and those stories—highlight a difficult truth about our species: We are intensely social creatures, but we’re prone to divide ourselves into competitive groups, largely for the purpose of allocating resources. People can be prosocial—compassionate, empathic, generous, honest—in their groups, and aggressively antisocial toward out-groups. When we divide people into groups, we open the door to competition, dehumanization, violence—and socially sanctioned deceit.

“People condone lying against enemy nations, and since many people now see those on the other side of American politics as enemies, they may feel that lies, when they recognize them, are appropriate means of warfare,” says George Edwards, a Texas A&M political scientist and one of the country’s leading scholars of the presidency.

When we see each other as enemies - you and your team over there, trying to fuck things up for me and my team over here - it gets pretty easy to rationalize doing whatever it takes to "win". Because in that bumper-sticker-binary mindset, winning means everybody else has to lose.

Jul 14, 2016

Maybe It's Just Me

From a distance, and if you squint just a bit, the GOP Convention logo looks kinda like an advertisement for The La Brea Tar Pits.

Just sayin'.

Mar 25, 2016

Charlie Gets There

Charlie Pierce, attempting to give a us a look at things to come. 
It is my considered opinion that, as far as the simple process of voting goes, the World's Last Great Democracy couldn't organize a two-car funeral if you spotted it the hearse. The primaries on Tuesday night were an endless carnival of blunders, cock-ups, and general mayhem. This is the first election cycle we've had since John Roberts declared the Day of Jubilee and gutted the Voting Rights Act. These two things are not coincidental. The good folks at the SEIU have done a great job aggregating the various atrocities.

For example, Native Americans, the last Americans to obtain the right to vote, face a staggering array of obstacles. In Alaska, for example, Native villages can be as much as 150 miles from a polling place, and that only by boat or airplane. There is no consistent national policy on whether or not tribal identification cards are recognized under the spate of new voter-ID laws that passed in the wake of the 2007 decision upholding an Indiana law and that became a flood after Roberts and the Court declared the Day of Jubilee seven years later. The isolation of many Native communities often prevents people who are trying to vote from receiving the legal advice they need to protect their right to the franchise. And that is only the most extreme example of the chicanery that is going on.
This election ought to be a landslide that rightfully sweeps away the GOP and shames them out of their stoopid reliance on an Authoritarian and Hypocritical Bait-n-Switch brand of politics. But instead, it promises to be another close one - another great example of the media-generated, ad-revenue-fueled myth of a closely divided nation, sponsored by smart corporate money that wants more tax dollars funneled into their coffers while making sure the Coin-Operated Politicians have the rubes pissed off at anybody but the Rent-Seeking Corporatists.

Here's how I think it's supposed to work. 

People are turning away from the GOP in droves, and probably, while a lot of them intend not to vote at all, a nice big bunch (who would usually vote for them) intend to vote against the Repubs like they did in '92.  If you can keep a significant percentage of them from voting at all, you'll probably still lose, but it'll look really close, and that's what matters now.

And even if you can't keep enough people away from the polls to make a big difference in National or State-Wide races, you can prevent the balance being tipped in the very important "small stuff" races like County Supervisor and DA and State Legislature etc. So if the GOP can keep a handle on that level, then they can go on pretending they have a case to make about "big, far-away government tellin' the little guys what to do yada yada yada".

Remember always that elections get decided by about a dozen votes per precinct. 

The key is maintaining balance between the 2 competing sides. If the Red Group has 49%, and the Blue Group has 49%, that means I can throw in my 2% to support whatever candidate promises me the biggest tax breaks or subsidies or military protection for my investment holdings in FuckedUp-istan, or whatever. This is the old game of Divide And Conquer, but with a heapin' helpin' of Henry Kravitz Corporate Raider thrown in. 

(And don't you dare start thinking we aren't being distracted while certain politicians are working hard to sell everything in this country to the highest bidder and take us back to the glory days of 1750, but that's a slightly different rant - closely related, but that comes after a few more rounds)

Voter Suppression is all about not allowing "the divide" to get so big that the 2% loses its oomph.

But also too, remember that the GOP is very much on the defensive:  
1) makes it all the more dangerous
2) they're just looking to survive to fight another day, and that means: 
3) the Dems have to dominate. They have to win big. And when was the last time they managed that one - and more to the point of my theme here, when was the last time they were allowed to do that?  Hillary seems to be the perfect fit for the occasion - ie: she'll win, but not by enough to upset that delicate and finely-crafted balance.  And that also is a slightly different rant.

And BTW - if you think it looks like a mini-series on network TV, you ain't wrong.  The game is totally reliant on distraction and misdirection, and we've been thoroughly conditioned to  get caught up in the gripping drama of real-life events as they unfold blah blah blah, so that we stay frozen in place, allowing "our betters" to make the important decisions for us while we pretend to be well-informed and involved.

One last wrinkle: those astoundingly shitty Anti-Civil-Rights laws passed recently in Georgia and North Carolina? That's this year's version of The Big Wedge designed to motivate the "Christian Values Voters".  The GOP will likely flack the fuck outa that one, screeching that the valiant "conservatives" are trying to protect Real America from The Homo, and if you don't go vote, then the police will have no choice but to break down your doors and force you to Gay Rape your house pets. You know the drill.

Up on your hind legs, kids. Stay together. Work together. Get shit done.

Feb 27, 2016

Today's Bernie

Bernie really gets it sometimes.  We've allowed ourselves to be suckered into thinking that a kind of selective (if not arbitrary) authoritarian crap is what our Justice System is supposed to be about.

And BTW - it's a pretty simple parlay to connect the fucked-up-edness of our legal system with the total FUBAR of the Corporate Prisons Industry.

Stay in line or they'll fuck you up - just because they can.

Feb 21, 2016

Down To Five

And Governor Dumpster Fire bites the dust, proving once again that as a political prognosticator, I make a pretty good floor wax.

With that in mind, I might as well let my freak flag fly:

Maybe I'm just die-hard and stubborn, but I can't stop thinking this isn't the end of it.  With very small (and fading fast) hopes that Trump won't get the nomination, and knowing pretty well what a monumental cluster fuck is brewing if he does, the GOP has to be scrambling behind the scenes to bring in a ringer.

And there seems to be way too many giddy Dems wandering around thinking the dissolution of the GOP isn't at least potentially a catastrophic systems-level failure.  With so many Repubs in charge of state and local governments, a thorough fracturing and break up of an entire political party could easily spell even bigger trouble for our little experiment in self-government.  We ain't seen nothin' yet, kids.

Dec 10, 2015

Take The Higher Moral Ground

Here's a picture of "their" guys:

And here's what "they're" doing about it:

And here's a picture of your guy:

And what are you doing about it?

Aug 13, 2015

Something To Remember

By way of an interesting piece at Yahoo Politics:
But Trumpmania may be telling us a lot less about the dominant mood in the electorate at large than we think. As one of the more astute liberal bloggers, Mother Jones’ Kevin Drum, points out, Trump has been drawing the support of less than a quarter of Republican primary voters, who in turn make up less than a quarter of the voting public.
I suck at math, but I'm OK with 'rithmetic, so even I can figure out that ¼ of ¼ = 6.25% of the total vote.

So that means Hillary will win in 2016 by whatever substantial margin our Corporate Media Manipulators allow, which will be a landslide at about 52% - 48%.

Fair Warning - watch out for the Both-Sides crap that pops out near the end.  It's mild by current standards, but it's there.

Aug 11, 2015

Illusory Things

Carlin said it: "...we're given the illusion of choice..."

We see 22 different names on bottles of bourbon, and 30 different names on bags of potato chips, and 18 GOP candidates running for POTUS, and and and.

How pissed are the Teabaggers gonna be when they figure out they've been punked into pimping for Big Gubmint all along?  Just kidding - this is possibly the only place you're ever likely to find "Teabaggers" and "figure out" in the same sentence, so the rubes will remain safely encased in their Igno-rama-tron®, keeping the rest of us "safe", at least in terms of not being splattered by flying body tissue when the baggers' "brains" explode.

BTW: as always, just in case anybody's trying to take what I say and turn it into a Both-Sides thing - bullshit.  There's a difference.  And if you like to pretend you're above it all - stop it; just fucking stop.  

If you like the way things are; if you prefer having everything fucked up and getting more fucked up pretty much every day, then stay home and be the asshole who could've done something about it, but made a conscious decision not to.

Mar 4, 2015

About CPAC

There is some common cause to be made - it's just ridiculously difficult to get anybody to drop their guard long enough to hear what "our side" is saying.

Dec 8, 2014


If we want Congress to work the way it's supposed to work, then we have to figure out how to unfuck all the "safe" voting districts that the parties have Gerrymandered to the point of being inherited feifdoms.

Jul 5, 2014

What They Say

The guy on the left is Bob Beauprez (running for Colorado Governor), and the other one's just a doofus blogger somewhere in central Virginia.

On occasion, Bob kinda channels Willard Romney and says things like "...we’ve got almost half the population perfectly happy that somebody else is paying the bill..."

Now, there're two guys pictured above.  Half of two is one.  So Bob thinks one of the guys in that picture is a deadbeat moocher who wants taxpayers to pick up the check.

But guess what, Bob; only one of the guys in that picture is trying to get on the government payroll - Bob.

It's not so much that guys like Beauprez love to show just how hollow and superficial and lazy their thinking is; and it's not even the fact that so many of us are willing to go along with it.

What makes me crazy is that the whole thing is just flat false.  Saying "half of the people want a freebie blah blah blah" is another way to reinforce the bullshit about "both sides do it"; "they're all same"; "everybody does it" etc etc etc, in order to keep us all paralyzed, in order to maintain the status quo, in order to keep us from electing people who want to serve rather than rule - you know; people who actually know what the fuck self-government's about and how to make it work.

So no, Bob - we're not all the same, and not even close to half of us are looking for the rest to support them - you are.

Feb 27, 2014

So, Where You At?

A month ago, Sean Hannity said he'd be moving out of New York as soon as he could manage it.

Here's Stewart's take on it back then.

So I'm just wondering: a rich guy like Hannity can make a move at pretty much the drop of a hat.  So where is he now?  Did he leave?  Or is this another solid example of bullshit outrage that pops up with annoying regularity?  Alec Baldwin said he'd move to France or whatever if Shrub got reelected.  Limbaugh said he'd move to Costa Rica if Obama got reelected.

At what point do we stop purposely crankin' it up to 11 every time some jagoff politician says something silly or nasty or straight up stoopid?  Y'know, if you can just kinda keep your cool, you're more likely to find a decent solution for the problem and/or resolution of the point of contention.  And yet we keep crankin' it up.  It almost seems like it could maybe perhaps be deliberate.

So I'm also wondering: who might benefit from keeping us so riled up that we spend all our time and effort beatin' on each other, instead of working together to figure out what to do about whatever problem some Congress Critter / Press Poodle / Bidness Crook tells us to be pissed off about.

Here's what I learned from a mentor fairly early in my working life:
I don't care if you guys go for long walks in the moonlight holding hands, and I don't care if you plan to murder each other after lunch; but as long as you're cashing the fuckin' paychecks, I expect you to work the fuckin' problem.

Nov 17, 2012

50 Shades Of Purple

There are 2  pretty important things that usually get ignored when looking at how the voting splits out in a national election.  First is the actual mix of Repub/Dem votes in any given location, and the second is the density of the voter population.  So when you just look a the Electoral College map, all you see is big chunks of Red in the middle flanked by big chunks of Blue on the sides.

But when you look at it with a finer granulation, the resolution gets pretty sharp.

(Click on the picture to get a good close look)

Jan 31, 2012

Differences Can Be Legit

Evidence that 'conservatives' and 'liberals' see the world differently.

From BBC (hat tip = Democratic Underground).
Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are studying liberals' and conservatives' reactions to happy or pleasant photographs and scary or sad ones in an effort to learn more about the cognitive underpinnings of political preference.
Watch the video (no embedding available).