Showing posts with label Vic Meyers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vic Meyers. Show all posts

Sep 12, 2024

Today's Vic

Agenda 47 (aka: Project 2025) advocates rounding up brown people for expulsion. 

But I think it's pretty plain to anybody who cares to look - it's not possible to force other countries to take them in. 

The Trumpsters know this.

So it would seem they intend to deliberately create that particular problem, which has always meant that somebody is angling for some kind of "final solution".

Of course, we won't just immediately start to eliminate them - not when there's big money to be made in the meantime from hiring them out as "contract labor".

Sep 6, 2024

Aug 28, 2024


Permission to think for yourself, and then to vote according to what you think, unencumbered by the negative peer pressure and the sometimes venomous rhetoric.

My ex-Mom-in-Law came for a visit in the fall of 2012, and I asked her who she was going to vote for. She told me she hadn't decided yet because she didn't know who all her friends were going to vote for.

Every yard sign, every bumper sticker, every casual conversation at the bar or the grocery store or the barber shop will have some impact on how people vote. Maybe not on the ones you're talking to, but the ones who overhear what you're saying.

Thank You For Smoking - The Ice Cream Scene