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Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts

Aug 24, 2024

Fact Check

It's always hard to compare performances, but there are ways to weight and un-weight the stats to get a pretty fair analysis

This comparison seems to lean pretty hard towards the conclusion that Democrats are better at handling the economy.

Aug 3, 2017

You Don't Get One Without The Other

Zeeshan Aleem at Vox:

Democrats, not Donald Trump, are the real populists on trade in Washington. 

That’s the major takeaway from the Democrats’ bold new trade platform that they unveiled on Wednesday morning, the second rollout of their “Better Deal” messaging agenda in the runup to midterm elections in 2018. 

It's a collection of proposals aimed at protecting American workers from foreign competition — and it’s designed to edge out Trump's own messaging on how he's going to transform US trade to help bring back jobs to America.
The first 34 items on the 2016 Democratic Party Platform are all about helping everyday American Workin' Folk get a better chance to participate (to a slightly greater degree) in a system that actually fucking depends on their participation.

Don't gimme no shit about how the Dems fucked up by not addressing the problems of middle America.

If people missed it, then they weren't listening, cuz Hillary and Bernie and Tim all hit it plenty hard every time they stepped into the box last fall.

And maybe this had something to do with how we've been missing the point for 30 years:

The idea of evaluating foreign investment to ensure it doesn’t pose a threat to American jobs is bound to be incredibly controversial in Washington.


That kind of scrutiny and interference with foreign investment would be unprecedented for the United States, says Edward Alden, a trade expert and senior fellow at the nonpartisan Council on Foreign Relations. “The US has had a very open stance on foreign investment — it’s only restricted if it’s considered a national security threat,” he told me. (*)
'Scuse me, Mr Alden - the health of our economy kinda depends on Americans having jobs that pay them enough to live on, so it seems pretty important to ask, "When did you decide a fucked up US Economy was somehow disconnected from a threat to US National Security?"

Jan 26, 2017

Go Qualify Yourself

If you're dumb enough to be convinced that a guy will take your job when you're also convinced he can't even say, "I need a job" in English, then you're not the guy I want doin' that job.

Oct 8, 2014

Some Day

...maybe we'll all have something to look forward to besides more of the basic "same shit, new day".

And if you've got kids in college - well, just make sure they know how to change a tire and work a cash register.

Aug 3, 2013

Welcome To The Jungle

There was a "decent" jobs report that came out a day or two ago, and it indicated a bit of drop in the unemployment rate and some other fairly OK stuff, but the thing I remember most is that the majority of the 162,000 new jobs were Part-Time.  Yay us.

47% of American adults don't have a Full-Time job.

That ain't good, but hey - it gets worse.

Oct 13, 2012

Just Ask

WIllard has developed a habit in his stump speech of late - he keeps saying his plan for the economy will create 12 million new jobs right here at home.  He also continues to attack the lazy-ass 47% by saying he doesn't intend to add more people to the welfare roles, and go on giving everything away for nuthin' - he's gonna help you by giving you a great job and letting you keep the money you earn for working that job.  And that's very close to verbatim - "...give you a great job..."

I guess I'm wondering 2 basic things:
  1. What are these 12 millions jobs?  What sector?  What businesses?  Who's gonna be doing the hiring?
  2. What news organization is going to step up and actually ask Willard for these details?
We hear a lot that Willard has made the claim.  We hear a lot that Obama doesn't seem to have an answer for it.  We hear all kinds of shit about all kinds of shit, but these Press Poodles apparently have become totally allergic to Journalism.

Could somebody just stop him and ask him to spend a lousy 5 or 6 minutes explaining one fucking thing?  Please?

Jun 10, 2012

Obama's Gaffe

What does Obama mean when he says 'the private sector's doing fine"?  Where does he get off contradicting the Official GOP Narrative!?!

Oh wait - maybe this is what he was trying to tell us:

First, this is what The Private Sector looks like now - with jobs back up to about where they were Pre-Recession.

Now, here's Federal Jobs

And finally, All Gov't Jobs

Which part of Republicans-are-a-bunch-of-lyin'-sacks-of-shit are you having trouble understanding?

Apr 26, 2012

An Aha Moment

"Conservatives" will always argue against making any serious cuts in Defense Spending by trying to make it all about National Security.  They have to ignore the 6 million American jobs that are directly dependent on the Pentagon because of course, "gubmint don't create no jobs", so they have to rationalize the flat-out waste of things like F-22 and F-35, the B-1 and the B-2, and the maintenance of a Doomsday Capable nuclear arsenal etc etc etc.  Hey, ya just never know when them Rooskies might start feelin' peckish, so we need to be ready.

I have to admit, I've been a little reluctant to hack away at the military budget because of the those jobs.  I remember a few times when cutbacks put a lot of good people out of work and had a pretty bad ripple affect across the economy; and I remember thinking Reagan's huge deficits were OK because the gi-normous military buildup was really just a federal jobs program in disguise.

But guess what.  Turns out it was mostly bullshit.  Imagine that - somebody with a vested interest in keeping the money flowing telling me stories about jobs that weren't really true just to keep the money flowing.  Sometimes, my own ignorance and gullibility shocks even myself.

So here it is - a new look from The National Priorities Project, and The Project For Defense Alternatives

hat tip = Wonkette

Here's the PERI link

Here's the PDA link

Disclaimer: Everybody's playing an angle of some kind, but not all angles are equal.

Oct 12, 2011

The Jobs Bill

Obama asked the Senate to put aside their rancor for a moment in order to try something that might help get a coupla million Americans a little help finding work.  And the Senate replied: