Slouching Towards Oblivion

Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Today's Lesson

A million years ago when I was in school, we weren't taught any of this. There was a vague (in retrospect, maybe deliberately nonspecific) sense of "black people used to be treated pretty bad way back in the day, but that amazing Mr Lincoln fixed it and blah blah blah."

Nobody ever told us about Columbia or Rosewood or Tulsa, or any of the others. And there was a lot of 'em.

I'm a little pissed off about that - I can imagine people with brown skin have to be thoroughly fed up with that shit.

I think I'm in love with Carol Anderson though.

She makes the case that the standard trope about how "Hillary was just a really bad candidate" is and always was a bullshit cover for voter suppression (and other fuckery as well, but yeah).

And what could more "conservative" than to blame the victim?

"I dunno if he raped her, but look at how she was much she she was dancing...where she was walking after she stupid?" etc etc etc

Anyway - we've got some big fuckin' problems up in this joint and while we don't solve those problems just by voting, we sure as fuck don't solve one goddamned thing without voting - not in a democracy we don't.

Meanwhile - maybe you'd like to look into some of this. And notice the recurring themes, as noted by Prof Anderson:

Civil War Period: 1861–1865[edit]

Reconstruction Period: 1865–1877[edit]

Jim Crow Period: 1878–1914[edit]

War and inter-war period: 1914–1945[edit]

Postwar era: 1946–1954[edit]

Civil Rights and Black Power Movement's Period: 1955–1977[edit]

1978 to today[edit]

Thursday, April 02, 2020

More GOP Fuckery

The latest in a lengthening parade of Republicans admitting to their attempts to suppress the vote.

Brad Reed, Raw Story:

Calls to expand mail-in voting have grown as the COVID-19 pandemic has made waiting in long lines at polling places a potential health hazard.

Many Republicans, including President Donald Trump, have rejected the idea because they fear making it easier for people to vote will harm the GOP.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Georgia State House Speaker David Ralston became the latest GOP official to warn about the perils that vote-by-mail initiatives would have on his party.

“This will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia,” he said. “Every registered voter is going to get one of these. … This will certainly drive up turnout.”

Trump earlier this week similarly told “Fox & Friends” that Democrats were pushing for initiatives that would generate “levels of voting that if you ever agreed to it you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

Remember this the next time some Republican starts to crow about how "the GOP is the party lookin' out for minority rights": They are actually, because they intend to rule as a minority, and to use us as fodder to protect their rights at the expense of ours.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

I ❤️ Virginia


Virginians showed up in record numbers for Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary, leading a national wave of strong voter turnout that analysts said is all about defeating President Trump.

Roughly 1.3 million Virginia voters cast ballots, about 21 percent of the electorate, according to unofficial results. That’s up from the previous record of about 986,000 votes and 18 percent of the electorate in 2008, when Barack Obama was challenging Hillary Clinton for the party’s nomination.

Back then, voters sensed history in Obama potentially becoming the first African American nominated by a major party. Tuesday’s turnout was different.

Exit polling showed that most voters were seeking a candidate — any candidate — to defeat Trump. Virginia, which has undergone a dramatic blue shift since Trump’s win in 2016, responded more eagerly than any other state. Its turnout represented a 69 percent increase over the 2016 primary, compared to an average jump of 33 percent across nine Super Tuesday states in which the vote count is complete or has been projected by Edison Media Research.

The second-biggest increase was 60 percent in Texas.

“The interest . . . in defeating Donald Trump is so intense that it’s almost unprecedented,” Richmond political scientist Bob Holsworth said.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Big Four

Obama redux, and a bigger heaping-er helping of "Repubs will come around if we just give 'em everything they want..."

This time for sure
"It's gonna take a revolution!"

"We need new blood in Washington"

"I'll put political pressure on McConnell, but I'll use executive action if necessary."

I don't know what will work. I don't know who will win it.

But it has to be very clear that every one of 'em would make a better POTUS than what we've got now, even if they took it as a part-time gig on weekends and holidays.

And I know that every one of the Dems can beat 45* like a dirty rug if we THE VOTERS don't get stoopid.

If we show up, we win. We've proved that 3 years in a row now. We win when we show up.


Thursday, January 02, 2020

Today's GIF

A good reminder to start the new year.

It says, "We the people" not "We the acreage".


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Today's Tweet

A workable analogy.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dirt Don't Vote

Here's the link to that map (it's "unsecured" so it doesn't embed properly)


Monday, July 08, 2019


It says, "We the people".

It doesn't say, "We the acreage".

So this is not the map that matters:

This is the map that matters:

Happy to clear that up for ya.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Lesson In Perception

An awful lot of what we see and hear, is what we're taught to see and hear.

We usually don't even know it's happening - we don't know we're being programmed to think a certain way.

This is not representative of the way we vote:

This is what is actually looks like:

Because it says "We the people", not "we the acreage".

The Dems' wins in the 2018 midterms should go a long way in fixing the gerrymandering problem on the House side. But we still have a very long haul to figure out what to do about the ratfuckery that can (and does) happen because of the way we do the Senate and the Electoral College.