This little spiel (the part that matters IMO) from Pat Robertson is a near-perfect example of the classic "after this therefore because of this" argument.
1) The Roman Empire fell apart
2) Some of the Romans had "porno" murals on their walls depicting all kinds of sex acts (which Mr Robertson apparently disapproves of)
And so, without benefit of any actual fact, or cause-and-effect link, the attitude of some of the Romans that sex should be free and fun is what led directly to the fall of Rome.
And of course, that's exactly what's happening in USAmerica right now because of all the LGBTs who think they shouldn't be fucked over and treated like a buncha skeevy dogs.
What a complete doofus this guy is.
Wanna know one reason the Roman Empire fell apart and doesn't exist now? Cuz a lot of crazy shit happened over about 300 years, and a lot of assholes convinced a lot of Roman Rubes that all of their problems (and all of the solutions for those problems) could be boiled down to a few simple 10-word phrases that could be neatly scratched into the ass end of their ox carts.
Need one more? OK, try this one - sex was a big part of Roman Religious Tradition. So following your logic, you're saying the Roman Empire was destroyed because they believed more in their religion than they did in their civil government.
Try listening to what you're actually saying once in a while, Patsy - and then get over your fuckin' self.