Oct 11, 2013


You'd Better Be Home Soon - Crowded House

Today's Welfare Cheat

Chris Hayes may be the smartest guy on the TV box right now.

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Poe's Law

Per RationalWiki:
Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing.
Poe's Corollary:
It is impossible for an act of Fundamentalism to be made that someone won't mistake for a parody.
Poe's Paradox:
In any fundamentalist group, a paradox exists where any new person (or idea) sufficiently fundamentalist to be accepted by the group is likely to be so ridiculous that they risk being rejected as a parodist (or parody).

Micro Sculpture

Today's Quote

"Knot by knot I untie myself from the past
And let it rise away from me like a balloon.
What a small thing it becomes.
What a bright tweak at the vanishing point, blue on blue."

— Charles Wright, closing lines to “Arkansas Traveller,” from The Other Side of the River (Vintage Books, 1984)

Oct 10, 2013

The Carrie Prank

Remember back in the 70s, when The Exorcist came out, and suddenly there was a whole rasher of "real life" stories (planted by the PR guys) that popped up in newspapers - about mysterious and unexplained behaviors that just maybe might be possibly "demon possessions"?

Well, taking it up several levels:

What do you think you can't be manipulated into believing?

hat tip = All In with Chris Hayes


From Paddy Chayefsky's Network (1976):

"And I have chosen you, Mr Beale, to preach this evangel."

"Why me?"

"Because you're on television, dummy."

hat tip = Democratic Underground

Today's Toon

Clay Bennett's the greatest.


Live from Daryl's House, with Dave Stewart - Heart of Stone:

(I couldn't find it on Amazon)

At The Nexus

...of dreams and reality - yeah, OK it's pretty obviously a little Twilight Zoney, but damn if this ain't impressive either way.

Oct 9, 2013

Go Blow Yourself, Kenny

SCOTUS has refused to hear Ken (Kenny the Kooch) Cuccinelli's appeal to overturn a Circuit Court's decision that his ass is just way too tight for post-11th-century law, not to mention people who're...well, you know - normal.

From Addicting Info:

Ken Cuccinelli’s Law Would Outlaw Sodomy And Oral Sex Among Consenting Adults.
The VA Republican’s now-invalid law is known as the “Crimes Against Nature Act.” Here’s the part that outlaws oral sex and sodomy between consenting adults:
“If any person carnally knows in any manner any brute animal, or carnally knows any male or female person by the anus or by or with the mouth, or voluntarily submits to such carnal knowledge, he or she shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony.”

First off - "carnal knowledge"?  Who the fuck even talks like that anymore?

And with McAuliffe posting a 9 point lead, together with falling approval for the GOP generally, Kooch can't afford this.

Up Next

Let's hope the fuck ups in congress can get done fucking up the Federal Budget and the US Credit Rating and the global economy real soon so they get on to the confirmation fight over Janet Yellen and fuck that one up too.

Can't wait - should be lotsa fun.