The pinnacle of historical esteem is when people write songs about you and your exploits. I guess there's some kind of opposite thing happening when they do it as satire(?) The Ballad Of The Malheur Patriots --Laura Sams and Garrett Palm
So, of course, I had to bop over to Fox Nation to check on the reactions of the Guano Clan - and also too because trolling those mush-brains is just too damned fun. Today's best troll comment:
And the question now is - will they let Jim Gilmore into the next debate? I mean - gee whiz - he was only 6300 votes outa 8th place in New Hampshire. And you gotta have an odd number so you can make sure Trump's always at center stage. C'mon, guys, think.
The Purge for Purity is just plain silly if you're concluding that a rapacious privatizing rent-seeking asshole like Paul Ryan doesn't quite measure up to your Assholery Specifications.
TBS premiered Samantha Bee's new show - Full Frontal - last night and, of course, I'd forgotten all about it. Here's a great clip that's great just for including the line describing Donald Trump as "an oddly tinted collection of psychiatric symptoms". You can't not like that shit.
Mr Giuliani seems to think speaking the truth isn't wholesome. He's saying having an opinion, stating an opinion, and defending that opinion is OK but only in places and/or circumstances prescribed by - who exactly? The masters? The Ruling Class? Some blobby "majority" or "the American people"? It's always some vaguely-defined image of an America that can be changed to fit whatever narrative they're flacking right now, but it always always always comes down to inviting the inference of a kindly white hegemony in a soft-focus past where all the black people were the good kind of black people who knew how lucky they were to spend their lives cleaning our toilets and then conveniently dying with nothing to show for it - long before we had to think maybe we should pay them back for any of it.
The authoritarian mindset is always trying to tell everybody to shut up; get with the program; and don't say or do anything that might make anybody feel uncomfortable with the way the boss needs people to believe things are. And one of the main tools is Divide-n-Conquer. They work hard to pit us against each other to make sure we go on paying their rent, while looking for any opportunity to point and say, (eg) "Hey, look - Beyonce is being divisive".
They talk "Unity", but if you make any attempt to get people together, they'll be happy you've given them another chance to slag you by saying you're the one "tearing this country apart".
Some more or less random thinking on the day after Super Bowl. So yesterday was the 50th Annual Billionaires' Bash-a-Rama, nestled in the snuggly warmth of Silicon Valley's mega-bucks party in the richest city in USAmerica Inc. OK, I'll see that bet and I'll raise ya Black History Month, plus the 50th anniversary of Huey and Bobby starting the Black Panther Party (in the Bay Area BTW).
(still don't know why the sound was so lousy - either an engineer forgot to flip a switch or CBS was playin' it a little too cool and the whole thing had to go thru one guy's panel so he could pull the plug in case there was a Wardrobe Malfunction situation - you noticed Justin and Janet were absent from the retrospective, right?)
Was Bey kicking the beast from the inside, trying to give somebody a signal of some sort? Is it "disrespectful" that she'd do that at the Super Bowl? Or is it insulting to our intelligence, and/or more than a little ironic that a creature of "the system" is working hard to convince us she's fighting the system? Or maybe it's just more shiny things - bread and circuses.
Any subversive worth his salt knows the dominant force loses completely if they don't win outright, and that the insurgency wins if all they do is survive to fight just one more day. So how does anybody "win" anything in this kinda shit - when it's all mashed up together like this?
I'm putting this up the day before Denver loses it's record 6th Super Bowl - actually, I'm trying to put up a lotta stuff in advance, because if my Donkeys pull it off, I'm prob'ly gonna be drunk for several days. So here's some great stuff from The Thinking Atheist: